- Details
- Last Updated: Friday, 12 October 2018 04:37
- Published: Friday, 12 October 2018 04:37
- Hits: 2504
For Running Place n Route in VDI:
NOTE: our design are in terms of dbu
1 dbu=1 um before shrink. For LBC7, shrink=0.9, so 1dbu=0.9um. For LBC8, shrink=0.35, so 1dbu=0.35um.
Cadence Encounter VDI (Virtuoso Digital Implementation):
Dir: /db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Autoroute/digtop/vdio
run Encounter VDI:
encounter -9.1 -vdi -log logs/encounter.log => brings up gui
encounter -9.1_USR2_s159 -vdi -log logs/encounter.log => use this version to avoid manufacturing grid issues.
For bsub: bsub -q gui -Is -R "linux" "encounter ......"
Help for encounter :
On command line, type man for that cmd, or help cmd.
type exit to exit encounter.
script: run_encounter => brings up gui (removes all previous log files and dbs)
Then in tcl/top.tcl, you have multiple scripts for different phases of PnR.
Import Design
import_design.tcl => Import design => set up design for port into Encounter Digital impl system (EDI).
On gui: file->import design->basic
# Import LEF/Cap Tables/LIB/Netlist/Constraints => this file sets rda_input(*) for various parametrs.
loadConfig /db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Autoroute/digtop/vdio/scripts/import.conf
Important parameters are :
ui_netlist => structural verilog netlist
ui_timelib.min/max =>min/max timing lib (ex: /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.5.0/synopsys/src/PML30_S_-40_1.95_CORE.lib)
ui_timingcon_file (constraints.sdc file) => same as pulled from DC (i.e set_load, set_driving_cell, set_dont_touch)
ui_*_footprint => provides names so that such cells can easily be identified.
ui_leffile => provide leffile for both tech and std cells.
Tech file: if its 3 layer metal, file will have pitch,width,spacing.etc for MET1/2/3 and various vias for VIa12 and VIA23. ex: /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.5.0/vdio/lef/pml30_lbc8_tech_3layer.lef
Std cell file: /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.5.0/vdio/lef/pml30_lbc8_core_2pin.lef
ui_core_* => core width,height,row_height,utilization,etc. => these values are bogus and not used for anything.
ui_captbl_file => lookup res/cap tables for typ,worst,best for M1/2/3 (cap for various width and space, min W=0.2um,S=0.2um, Ctot=0.35ff/um. It provides total cap, Coupling cap, Area cap and fringing cap. There's also an extended cap table) and for CONTACT/VIA1/2 (via resistance is about 5ohms. For M1/M2/M3 res is about 0.1ohm/um. Res is usually higher for M1 as it's thinner than top layers).We specify minC_minVia / maxC_maxVia cap table file. NOTE: If QRC techfile specified, then that is used, and captbl file is ignored by tool.
ui_pwrnet,ui_gndnet => set pwr nets to VDD/VSS (for multi pwr domains, put all pwr supplies for that net). This will get connected to pwr/gnd pins found in stdcells lef file. Lef file has pin names and attribute to identify it as pwr/gnd pin.
ex: for VDD pin in lef file for a stdcell
PIN VDD => pin name is VDD
USE POWER ; => pin is a pwr pin. If it was gnd pin, it would be USE GROUND).
eg: set rda_Input(ui_pwrnet) {VDD VDD_WL EXTVREF} => specifies 3 pwr nets (NOT pins) with names VDD, VDD_WL, EXTVREF. These are the nets that are routed during "sroute". These will get connected to pins in stdcells with "USE POWER" attribute, provided name of nets match the pin name (in lef) from stdcell. If names are different, then use "globalNetConnect" cmd explained below later. We can also specify nets with high terminal connections (large fanout) to get some default delay, load, etc to save runtime.
#from Enc version 11 and onwards, import design looks different:
source /db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Autoroute/digtop/vdio/scripts/import.conf
init_design => this loads parameters from import.conf
Important parameters in import.conf are :
set defHierChar {/}
set init_top_cell {DIG_TOP}
set init_verilog {../input/DIG_TOP.preroute.v} => same as ui_netlist
set init_pwr_net {V1P8D} , set init_gnd_net {DGND} => pwr/gnd nets specified
set init_lef_file {../input/MSL445_4lm_tech.lef ../input/MSL445_CORE_2pin.lef ../input/MSL445_CTS_2pin.lef ../input/sshdbw00096016020.lef} => all lef files
set init_mmmc_file {mmmc.view} => optional: everything in "create views" section (in create_views.tcl) below is specified here.
Remove assign from netlist => To remove assign from synthesized netlist or final PnR netlist, use this cmd:
setDoAssign on -buffer BU110 => this places buffer BU110 wherever assign are found. Buffers are placed only if needed, else it will just move nets up/down the hier to get rid of assign. So, final netlist will be free of assigns. This cmd can also be placed in import.conf above.
NOTE: if there are any HardIP, .lef and .lib should be provided for those. If .lib is missing for any cell, Enc doesn't generate any error/warning, treats that cell as blockbox, and makes the path unconstrained going in/out of that cell. This is very dangerous, as these paths will not be optimized for timing and will show up as "unconstrained paths" in report_timing.
# Save Design after Import. this saves design so that it can be restored later from enc.dat/* (encounter database). After various phases of PnR, EDI puts files here in appropriate dir.
saveDesign ./dbs/import/import.enc -def => we save it in import dir. Def file in "dbs/import/import.enc.dat/digtop.def.gz" has die area (initial area in import.conf file), initial rows, tracks, gcellgrids (gcell grid and tracks are taken to be equal to M2 pitch), NO vias, components (just the names of all components from synthesized verilog netlist with no placement info), unplaced pins(pin names derived from synthesized verilog netlist), unplaced special nets VDD/VSS and all unplaced nets.
import.enc has this line: restoreDesign ./dbs/import/import.enc.dat digtop
#dir structure of dbs:
dbs has dir for each step run. within each dir, it has .dat subdir which has multiple files. For ex, in dbs/impor/import.enc.dat/, it has these files:
1. digtop.conf: same as import.conf, except that "ui_netlist" verilog netlist is now pointing to digtop.v.gz in import dir. If we are in route dir, then this netlist is set to digtop.v.gz in route dir. ui_core_height/width etc are also changed to the latest value depending on if floorplan has been run or not.
2. digtop.def.gz: has def file
3. digtop.v.gz: verilog generated after import (same as initial verilog from synthesis).
4. digtop.fp.gz: derived from digtop.def.gz.
5. digtop.fp.spr.gz: just has vias/vdd/vss coords in it.
6. digtop.globals: sets global values for encounter to use
7. digtop.mode, digtop_power_constraints.tcl, enc.pref.tcl, digtop.opconds: all set*mode, pwr_mode encounter cmd, enc pref settings put here to be used later
8., digtop.route.gz: intermediate place and route info to be used by enc.
#on screen o/p
On screen, we see VDI reads in .lef, .lib, and digtop.v netlist from synthesis tool. It reports total no. of cells and modules in verilog netlist. Then it reads .lib files and reports all cells found [all comb cells, seq cells, usable buffers (BU*), unusable delaycells/buffers (delay cells as BU112, clk tree buf as CTB* etc which are marked as dont_use)]. Reads in cap tables, sets few default parameters, and then saves verilog netlist and def file. Def file in "dbs/import/import.enc.dat/digtop.def.gz" has the initial floorplan size, rows, tracks, gcellgrid, Vias, all components(from digtop.v netlist), pins(all ports), special nets(VDD/VSS) and all other nets in the digtop.v netlist.
#freeDesign => used to remove lib and design-specific data from the Encounter session. It can be used as a shortcut in place of exiting and re-starting Encounter.
When you specify the freeDesign command, the Encounter software does not free collections but only invalidates them. For ex, after saveDesign, if we do freeDesign, it invalidates import.enc file, so that we can do loadConfig to load import.conf or do source *.enc to load any other file we wish.
#source => we can use this to source design from a particular step
source ./dbs/cts/cts_opt.enc => sources design from cts step => or restoreDesign ./dbs/cts/cts_opt.enc.dat digtop
#update_* => this can be used to update some variable that you set to some wrong value before.
Create Floorplan
create_floorplan.tcl => add spacing b/w rows, define fp boundary, create ring, read pin locations,check fp, and then save design
# Add spacing between two rows => default is VDD then VSS then VDD and so on. 13.6dbu is spacing height and 2 says after every 2 rows. So, it owuld be VDD VSS VDD space VDD VSS VDD space VDD ... Keep spacing as 1 row height i.e 13.6dbu for LBC8
setFPlanRowSpacingAndType 13.6 2
# Define Die, IO, Core boundaries => die is whole chip, IO is inside die where we want IO pins, CORE is inside IO where we want logic to be placed. space b/w DIE/IO and CORE boundary can be used for power rings or left empty for signals to be routed. IO pins can be placed on DIE or IO boundary. CoreMargins are spacing b/w core-to-IO or core-to-die
#NOTE: core height needs to be a multiple of std row height (which in turn is a multiple of M1 pitch). Core width needs to be a multiple of M2 pitch. Boundary around core also needs to be multiple of M1 pitch for top/bottom and M2 pitch for left/right. For LBC8: M1/M2 pitch is 1.7du, so boundary around core needs to be a multiple of 1.7.
#( -b <die_x1> <die_y1> <die_x2> <die_y2> (co-ord of die) <io_x1> <io_y1> <io_x2> <io_y2> (co-ord of outside edge of I/O box) <core_x1> <core_y1> <core_x2> <core_y2> (co-ord of outside edge of core box) ) => all co-ord in du. so power ring gets into that area b/w die edge and I/O box edge
#-s <core_box_Height> <core_box_Width> <coreToLeft> <coreToBottom> <coreToRight> <coreToTop> => <coreTo*> specifies margin from outside edge of core box to left/right/bottom/top DIE/IO.
#-d <die_box_Height> <die_box_Width> <coreToLeft> <coreToBottom> <coreToRight> <coreToTop> => <coreTo*> specifies margin from outside edge of core box to left/right/bottom/top DIE/IO.
#-d is most convenient to use as you specify the outermost size. -s is convenient when we have power rings. -b is only used when we want to have much finer control.
floorPlan -site CORESITE -b 0.0 0.0 2700 1452 14 14 2686 1438 14 14 2686 1438 => draw die (0,0,2700,1452), then inside it draw the IO box leaving 14dbu space on all sides (14,14,2700-14,1452-14), then inside it we have CORE box (CORE box in this case is same size as IO box)
floorPlan -site CORESITE -s 2100.0 2100.0 14 14 14 14 => draw 2100 dbu size CORE and leave space of 14dbu on all sides b/w DIE/IO to core.
floorPlan -site CORESITE -d 2100.0 2100.0 14 14 14 14 => draw 2100 dbu size DIE and leave space of 14dbu on all sides b/w DIE/IO to core. Full floorplan is 2100x2100, but stdcells can only be placed in core which is smaller by 14 on all sides.
#for rectilinear shape
setObjFPlanPolygon 0 0 0 750 600 750 600 900 1000 900 1000 0 0 0 => draws rectilinear shape staring from (0,0) to (0,750) to (600,750) to (600,900) to (1000,900) to (1000,0) to (0,0). Run this cmd after floorPlan cmd above. Then it modifies the fp area according to the polygon shape.
loadFPlan DIGTOP_mod_rect.fp => We can also use this to load rectilinear fplan. This loads the floorplan from fp file which has rows(DefRow), Track and GCellGrid defined. This fp file is generated first time by Tool after we manually adjust the boundary, and then it can be saved and then used for future use.
reportDesignUtil => It reports stdcell area utilization (area where stdcells are placed divided by allocated area of die (excluding placement blockages). This can approach 80% or more for dense design. It's always < 100% as outer area of die is for VDD/VSS lines, so no stdcells can ever be there. It also reports Core and Chip utilization (area of core where stdcells can be placed divided by area of die)
We can also get same utilization report thru GUI: goto Place->Query_density->Query_place_density
#To manually edit VDD/VSS routes, we use setedit cmd. Else we can use addRing cmd to automatically create rings.
#setedit: Updates the Edit Route form and the design display area. many options available:
setEdit -shape RING => Specifies the shape associated with the wire you draw. here, wire drawn will be always RING shape.
setEdit -use_wire_group {0|1} => Groups multiple wires from the same net, which decreases resistance. default is 0, meaning wires are not grouped.
setEdit -width_horizontal 3.5 -spacing_horizontal 1.2 => Specifies the width and spacing for horizontal wires.
setEdit -width_vertical 3.5 -spacing_vertical 1.2 => Specifies the width and spacing for vertical wires.
setEdit -nets {VSSS VDDS} => Specifies one or more nets for editing. Here we are going to edit only nets VDD and VSS.
setEdit -layer_vertical MET2 => specifies the layer for vertical wires.
setEdit -layer_horizontal MET3 => specifies the layer for horizontal wires.
setEdit -close_polygons {0|1} => Specifies whether to close a special route structure toward itself, using the Escape key. For the closing to complete, the ending wire segments must be drawn towards the start wire segments, but do not have to touch them. default is 0, meaning do not close.
#now routes can now be added and committed using these 2 cmds: editAddRoute create wire segments that start and stop at the specified points. The wire ends at the point specified by editCommitRoute.
editAddRoute x1,0 => Specify (x,y) of centerline for the start point or end point of the wire segment.. Continue doing this with more editAddRoute, until we are about to reach to startpoint. At that time, do
editCommitRoute x1,y1 => route is closed at x1,y1 which is the startpoint for rectangular shape.
# Create Ring (get metal layer names from /db/pdk/lbc*/.../vdio/lef/*.lef file). Power pin names (VDD,VSS) are the pin names that appear in std cell lef files, so we specify those names so that sroute connects all of them.
#-nets => first net specifies the first net around the core, 2nd net specifies the second net around the core and so on. So {VDD VSS} means first put VDD around the core and then VSS (so VDD is inside while VSS is outside)
#-type core_rings => Creates core rings that follow the contour of the core boundary or the I/O boundary.
#-center 1 => center the core rings b/w IO pads and core bdry. If -center 0, then we need to specify the 4 offsets: offset_top, offset_bottom, offset_left, offset_right. Offset is from edge of the inner ring to Core/IO bdry
#-layer_* Specifies which layer to use for each side of the ring or rings being created.
#-spacing_* Specifies the edge-to-edge spacing between rings for each side of the ring
#-width_* Specifies the width of the ring segments for each side of the ring
#-follow core|io => specifies whether to follow core or io bdry (default is core)
#-skip_side {top bottom} => skips putting ring on top and bottom as regular VDD/VSS lines will anyway get added there.
#NOTE: in Encounter versions before -9.1_USR2_s159, core bdry top is taken as the last VDD net if closest power ring is VDD, or VSS net if closest power ring is VSS. So, this causes offset in power rings. Even in later encounter versions, rings may get offset (with -center 1). just add an extra row in such cases, so that vdd/vss gets lined up correctly.
#ex with ring centered
addRing -nets {VDD VSS} -type core_rings -center 1 -layer_top MET1 -layer_bottom MET1 -layer_right MET2 -layer_left MET2 -width_top 4 -width_bottom 4 -width_left 4 -width_right 4 -spacing_top 1 -spacing_bottom 1 -spacing_right 1 -spacing_left 1
#ex with ring not centered, allows more control. use this to avoid spacing b/w i/o bdry and ring, so that no routes are inserted there. -offset specifies spacing from the edge of the inner ring to the boundary of the referenced object for each side of the ring.
addRing -nets {VDD VSS} -type core_rings -center 0 -offset_top 5 -offset_bottom 5 -offset_left 5 -offset_right 5 -layer_top MET1 -layer_bottom MET1 -layer_right MET2 -layer_left MET2 -width_top 4 -width_bottom 4 -width_left 4 -width_right 4 -spacing_top 1 -spacing_bottom 1 -spacing_right 1 -spacing_left 1 => offset 0 gets the ring starting from boundary of core.
NOTE: in newer versions, we can use "layer, width, spacing, offset" within array style for each side. Above way is obsolete.
i.e instead of "-offset_top 5 -offset_bottom 4 -offset_left 3 -offset_right 2", we do "-offset {left 3 bottom 4 top 5 right 2}"
# Add stripe => Creates power stripes within the specified area. These stripes connect all the way down to horizontal VDD/VSS lines on stdcells so that pwr supply to these regios in centre of core is still robust, preventing huge IR drop.
#-block_ring_top_layer_limit = Specifies the highest layer that stripes can switch to when encountering a block ring
#-block_ring_bottom_layer_limit = Specifies the lowest layer that stripes can switch to when encountering a block ring.
addStripe -block_ring_top_layer_limit MET3 -max_same_layer_jog_length 1.6 -padcore_ring_bottom_layer_limit MET1 -number_of_sets 1 -stacked_via_top_layer MET4 -padcore_ring_top_layer_limit MET3 -spacing 1 -xleft_offset 1345 -merge_stripes_value 0.85 -layer MET2 -block_ring_bottom_layer_limit MET1 -width 4 -nets {VSS VDD } -stacked_via_bottom_layer MET1 => width, layer, spacing and x-offset provided for the stripes. First VSS put then VDD starting from x=0.
#global net connect => used to connect pins/nets in inst to a specified global net (required only if we have more than 1 pwr net or gnd net, or names of pwr/gnd nets don't match with those of pwr/gnd pins in stdcells). type of pin needs to be specified, it can be one of any 4 types - tiehi, tielo, pgpin, net. 3 use scenarions for this cmd:
1. Connecting pins in a single instance to a global net:
ex: globalNetConnect NET123 -type pgpin -pin VDD -singleInstance Ictrl/FF_0_reg => connects pin VDD of flop to NET123
2. Connecting pins in a single/multiple instance to a global net:
ex: globalNetConnect VDD123 -type tiehi => tie "1'b1" in netlist to net VDD123.
ex: globalNetConnect VDD456 -type tiehi -pin OEN -inst PAD* -module {} => tie "1'b1" on -pin OEN of all PAD* inst to net VDD456.
3. Connecting nets to a global net:
ex: globalNetConnect NET123 -type net -net net1 {-hierarchicalInstance Ictrl/I_Reg | -all} => connects net1 to NET123
ex: globalNetConnect VDD123 -type pgpin -pin VDD -all => connects pg pin VDD of all instances to global net VDD123.
NOTE: "globalNetConnect -type tiehi|tielo" cmd connects 1'b1 or 1'b0 directly to power rails, and NOT to tie high/low cells. Ususally we want to isolate the input pins of cells from the power grid. This reduces noise coming from the power grid and reduces the possibility of damaging the gate oxide of the pin. To make connections to tie high/low cells, look in "warnings" section below.
#clearGlobalNets => clear everything
#globalNetConnect VDD_1P8 -type pgpin -pin VDD -inst * -module {} => adds new global net VDD_1P8 (1st arg) to pg pin VDD (2nd arg) found in all physical instances and modules of design. -type pgpin specifies that pwr/gnd pins listed with "-pin" param should be connected to global net VDD_1P8. VDD_1P8 is the Power ring around die specified as pwr_net in import.conf.
#globalNetConnect DGND -type pgpin -pin VSS -inst * -module {} => adds new global net DGND (1st arg) to pg pin VSS
#globalNetConnect VDD_WL_1P8 -type pgpin -pin VDD_WL -inst fram -module {} => connects for fram inst of any module. fram module lef file has VDD_WL as a power pin with multiple ports around fram bdry. VDD_WL_1P8 is the net in import.conf
#createRouteBlk => Creates a routing blockage object that prevents routing of specified metal layers, signal routes, and hierarchical instances in this area
createRouteBlk -box <llx lly urx ury> -layer {MET1 MET2} -exceptpgnet -name blk_1 => creates routing blkg named blk_1 to be applied on routing layers MET1 and MET2, in coords specified. -exceptpgnet Specifies that the routing blockage is to be applied on a signal net routing and not on power or ground net routing. usually needed on pwr rings so that VDIO doesn't route any signal nets there
ex: createRouteBlk -box 59.950 0.000 61.000 147.000 -layer {1} => created routing blkg on met1
#createPlaceBlockage => To prevent tool from putting any instance in this area. Usually done around HardIP.
createPlaceBlockage -box 779.3500 659.1000 1062.0500 813.8000 => routing blkg size will adjust automatically so that blkg always starts from a row height (i.e row cannot be partially blocked. It's either completely blocked or completely unblocked)
# sroute => (special routes) Routes power structures. Use this command after creating power rings and power stripes. Throws some warnings related to def file that was created during import. sroute knows cell row height from CORESITE size in std cell lef file, so it routes VDD/VSS at CORESITE height.
#-nets {VDD VSS} => nets to sroute.
#-stripeSCpinTarget boundaryWihPin => extends unconnected stripes and standard cell pins to design boundary and creates a new power pin along the design boundary. Any overlaps with existing I/O pins at the design boundary are flagged as violations after the extension. This option is helpful, since Layout at top level connects to these power routes, so extending it all the way to edge, makes it easier to connect to global power supply.
sroute uses both layer changes and jogging to avoid DRC viol.
#-allowJogging 1 => jogs are allowed during routing to avoid DRC violations. If 0, then jogs are avoided as much as possible.
#-allowLayerChange 1 => Allows connections to targets on different layers. If jogs do occur, it says that preferred routing dirn should be used, wherever possible.
sroute -verbose => normal routing where power structures stop at core boundary or at power rings.
sroute -stripeSCpinTarget boundaryWithPin -allowJogging 0 -allowLayerChange 1 => routes power structures all the way to IO/die boundary.
#create power pins (not needed). -geom creates physical pin at specified co-ord, else only logical pin created.
#createPGPin -geom <layerId> <llx> <lly> <urx> <ury> -net <net_name> <pg_Pin_name>=> layerId is number 4,5,etc.
# Read pin locations => we load io location file from cadence when it places the pin in some order the first time. This is to ensure that next time, we invoke VDI, we get same pin location. Goto File->save->I/O file => save in in current dir (select locations for now). this is to be done after PnR is done the first time. then we get pin locations, and we save it in this file.
#To move pin placement the first time VDI generates it, we can goto edit->Pin editor. then choose which pin to be placed where, and then save it using file->save->i/o file. Choose Save IO as "locations" and select "generate template IO file"
loadIoFile scripts/ (In this pin file we specify pin name, offset, width(thickness) and depth(length) and metal layer of pins. offset specified for left/right side is wrt bottom edge while for top/bot is wrt left edge, so even if size increases in x or y dirn, we don't need to change this file. Pins are always put at boundary of die. This is in contrast to def file, which have absolute coords.)
ex: (pin name="CLK10MHZ" offset=3.2500 layer=3 width=0.2500 depth=1.4000 ) => this is for iopin offset by 3.25 db
# Read pin locations (these i/o pin loc comes from top level design from layout person. for 1st pass, comment it)
#defIn /db/BOLT/design1p0/HDL/Autoroute/digtop/Files/input/digtop_pins.def
NOTE: left/right pins (horizontal pins) are usually on MET3 (not MET1 which is lowest layer), while top/bot pins are on MET2. Pins are usually on top 2 metal layers for that block, as that allows more efficient routing.
# Set Fix IO so that placement does not move pins around (comment it for 1st pass, as these are put arbitrarily initially, so we don't want to fix these)
#fixAllIos => changes the status of all I/O pins and I/O cells to a FIXED state. -pinOnly option changes the status of all I/O pins only to a FIXED state, while -cellOnly changes the status of all I/O cells only to a FIXED state.
# Check Floorplan
setDrawView fplan => Sets the design view in the design display area to amoeba, fplan or place
checkFPlan -reportUtil -outFile ./dbs/floorplan/check_fp.rpt => Checks the quality of the floorplan. This should be run on initial fp and the final fp (and also during intermediate steps for debug purpose). checks that can be performed are -feedthrough (feedthrough buffer insertion), -place (placement), -powerDomain (checks pwr domain) and -reportutil (reports target util and effective utilization). Look in check_fp.rpt for any issues (like pins not on tracks which result in inefficient layout, etc)
#utilization = stdcell_area/total_area (total_area is total area of die including empty rows, power rings, etc)
#density = stdcell_area/alloc_area (alloc_area is area of core where stdcells can be placed, so if we have power lines where there's not enough height for a row, we don't count that in alloc_area. similarly empty rows, power rings, area b/w core/die not counted. stdcell_area is sum total of all stdcells+IP_Blocks. Area of std_cells and IP_blocks is taken from lef file.
#So, utilization is always a lower number than density.
#NOTE: to get additional info, use below 2 cmds:
reportGateCount => can be used to report total no. of cells, and their area in terms of nd2x1 as well as absolute area.
checkDesign -noHtml -all -outfile ./dbs/floorplan/check_design_fp.rpt => run this after each step to get detailed info. checks design for missing cells, etc and is very comprehensive check. (-all performs all checks as dangling nets, floorplan errors, I/O pads/cells, nets, physical lib, placement errors, pwr/gnd connections, tieHi/Lo and if cells used have been defined in timing lib). It shows a concise report on screen and a detailed report in the outfile.
checkDesign report:
1. design summary (on screen): shows total no. of stdcells used, and their area.
1. design stats: On screen, it shows total no. of instances and nets, while in report it shows all cell types (as nand, or, sparefill, etc) used in design
2. LEF/LIB integrity check (in reports): checks whether cells used in design have correct lef/timing info.
3. netlist check: On screen, it shows IO port summary (total no of ports), while in reports, it shows Floating ports, ports connected to multiple pads (pads are what is on the bdry of chip, ports are connected to these pads inside the chip), Port connected to core instances (in our case, no. of ports connected to core cells should equal total no. of io ports (minus any floating ports) as each i/o port has a IO buffer, so it's connected to just one inst). There should be 0 o/p pins connected to pwr/gnd net (since nothing should be connected to PG directly, it's thru TieOff cells). Under "Instances with multiple input pins tied together", we see those gates whose i/p pins are tied to same net. Here we see all spare cells, as well some other cells whose i/p are tied together for opt. "Floating Instance terminals" and "Floating IO terms" should be 0. Note that the "Floating terminals" only reports a terminal as floating if it's not connected to any net. If it's connected to a net, which is floating, then the terminal would still be considered as not floating, but the net will be considered as floating, which will be reported in next section as "undriven net" => very important to check these for floating input on gates.
4. net DRC: On screen, we see no. of floating pins, and other DRC on pins, while in reports, we see "No Fanin","no fanout" and "High FO" nets. We may have "no fanin" nets for modules which have i/o ports, but they aren't being used inside the module. So, such ports get connected to "FE_UNCONNECTED_*" nets by encounter. These floating nets get carried from synthesized netlist, where they couldn't be removed because they were part of bus, or because they wer tied to 0/1, which is no longer needed (optimized away during PnR). NOTE: very important to check all "No Fanin" nets as any floating nets will be reported here, which may be input of gates.
5. IO pin check: In reports, we see all IO pins connected to which inst (all pins should be connected to BUF), "Instance with no net defined for any PGPin" (basically all inst starting from instances in digtop and then in modules as hey are referenced in digtop [no. of inst reported in design stats] are reported here as we don't have PGPin for inst, PG pins only exist in lef file of inst, not in verilog model).
6. Top level Floorplan check: on reports, it shows tracks which are offgrid, IO pins offtrack (some pins may get reported here as pin def file from layout folks may not have all pins on track, though they will still be on mfg grid), "Floating/Unconnected IO Pins" (these are also pins offtrack, but not sure why it gets reported in this section), etc. Look at final numbers for "Floating/Unconnected IO Pins" and "IO Pin off track" given at the end of report. That's correct number.
NOTE: checkDesign should be run at each stage, as it gives valuable information about the design. "checkNetlist -includeSubModule" is by default included as part of checkDesign (it only includes "netlist check" section from "checkDesign" and is a good concise report). Run checkDesign after final netlist is generated to see full report.
# Save design after floorplan
saveDesign ./dbs/floorplan/floorplan.enc -def => note, this time we save it in floorplan dir. Def file in "dbs/floorplan/floorplan.enc.dat/digtop.def.gz" has new area, rows, tracks, gcellgrids, vias, components, placed pins(from io def file), placed special nets VDD/VSS (as sroute is done) and all nets.
place blocks: This is needed only if we have hard macros that we want to instantiate.
#instantiate hard macro at specified loc
#setObjFPlanBox <objectType> <objectName> <llx> <lly> <urx> <ury> => Defines the bounding box of a specified object, even outside the core boundary. <objectType> can be Bump, Cell, Group, Instance, I/O cell, I/O pin , Layershape, Module, Net, etc.
#flipInst <Inst> {MX | MY} => flips inst. MX -> Flip with Mirror on X axis, MY -> Flip with Mirror on Y axis
#orientateInst <Inst> {R90 | R180 | R270 | MX | MY} => orientate. R -> Rotate, M -> Mirror
ex: setObjFPlanBox Module abc 100.00 200.00 400.00 500.00 => bounding box for module abc with lower left x=100, lower left y=200, upper right x=400, upper right y=500.
ex: setObjFPlanBox Instance fram 10 10 30 40 => bounding box for instance fram present in digtop.v netlist.
ex: orientateInst fram R90 => rotate inst fram by 90 degrees.
#add halo to block. A halo is an area that prevents the placement of blocks and standard cells within the specified halo distance from the edges of a hard macro, black box, or committed partition in order to reduce congestion.
addHaloToBlock 5 10 95 15 fram => adds halo to fram instance (in um). <from left edge=5> <bottom edge=10> <right edge=95> <top edge=15>
#cutRow => Cuts site rows that intersect with the specified area or object. Needed so that there will be rows over that area or object for router to route VDD/VSS lines. If no options are specified, the cutRow command automatically cuts all blocks and all rows around the placement blockage. Instead of "cutRow", we can also do "sroute" after placing these IP blocks, so that sroute will automatically not put VDD/VSS lines over these IP.
#-area <box_coords> => Specifies the x and y coordinates of the box area in <llx> <lly> <urx> <ury> in which rows will be deleted.
#-selected => only rows interfering with selected objects will be cut
#-halo <space> => Specifies the additional space to be provided on the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the specified or selected object.
selectInst fram
cutRow -selected -halo 1 => specs that additional space of 1um should be provided on all sides of selected obj (fram). Also, all rows around placement blkg are deleted.
#we can also place an instance using these cmd:
selectInst I_ram/fram_inst => selects fram instance in digtop. here it's hard IP as felb800432
placeInstance I_ram/fram_inst 805 563 R0 => places at x,y =(805,563) with R0 orientation (cut sign on bot left of IP)
addRing .. -nets {DGND V1P8D} ... => adds power ring around fram
deselectAll => deselects the inst so that new cmds can be applied to whole design
#connect pwr pins on Blocks with power rings around them
sroute -connect blockPin -blockPin all\
-blockPinRouteWithPinWidth -jogControl { preferWithChanges preferDifferentLayer } \
-nets { DGND V1P8D } -blockPinMinLayer 2 -blockPinMaxLayer 4
Create views
create_views.tcl => creates views for various operating modes (scan, functional,etc) of design with various operating conditions (PVT). called as mmmc: multi mode multi corner. We specify bc/wc std cell library delay, and bc/wc Res/cap values. Then we "create_delay_corner" based on cell+wire delay. Then on top of that we create constraint_mode based on sdc files for func/scan/other modes. Then various "analysis_view" are created based on "delay corner" + "constraint_mode". Then we set appr analysis view for setup and hold corner.
# Create Library Sets => for worst case (P=weak, T=150C, V=1.65V), best case (P=strong, T=-40C, V=1.95V)
create_library_set -name wc_lib_set -timing [list /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.4.3/synopsys/src/PML30_W_150_1.65_CORE.lib \
# -si [list ../cdb/cdb_files/max.cdb]
create_library_set -name bc_lib_set -timing [list /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.4.3/synopsys/src/PML30_S_-40_1.95_CORE.lib \
# -si [list ../cdb/cdb_files/min.cdb]
# Create Operating Conditions => just use ones in .lib files
# Create RC Corners to use in delay corner after this. Cap tables are specified to be used for extraction, when running this RC corner (default is to use Enc internal rules to extract RC). T is specified to derate R values in cap table (it overrides the value of Temperature in cap table). QRC tech file is used for sign-off RC extraction.
create_rc_corner -name max_rc -cap_table /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.4.3/vdio/captabl/4m_maxC_maxvia.capTbl -T 150
-qx_tech_file /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/rules/parasitic_data/qrc/2009.06.01.SR6/4m/maxC_maxvia/qrcTechFile
create_rc_corner -name min_rc -cap_table /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.4.3/vdio/captabl/4m_minC_minvia.capTbl -T -40
-qx_tech_file /db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/rules/parasitic_data/qrc/2009.06.01.SR6/4m/minC_minvia/qrcTechFile
# Create min/max Delay Corner. specifies lib set, rc corner and operating condition for this corner. -opcond specifies the op cond found in .lib file.
operating_conditions (W_125_2.5) { process : 3;
temperature : 125;
voltage : 2.5;
tree_type : "balanced_tree";
#-opcond_library Specifies the internal library name for the library in which the operating condition is defined. Every .lib file has a library name at the top. Note: this is NOT the file name, but library within that file. See liberty.txt file for info.
library ( MSL270_W_125_2.5_CORE.db ) {
So, in the lib set, if we specified multiple lib files, then for setup/hold analysis, tool picks up default op cond in each lib set when it's called. But if we want to force a particular op cond, we specify the opcond_library where it will look for opcond, and then use that P,V,T cond for particular corner. We specify *CORE.db but could have specified *CTS.db too, since both of them have that op cond.
create_delay_corner -name max_delay_corner -library_set wc_lib_set -opcond_library PML30_W_150_1.65_CORE.db -opcond W_150_1.65 -rc_corner max_rc
create_delay_corner -name min_delay_corner -library_set bc_lib_set -opcond_library PML30_S_-40_1.95_CORE.db -opcond S_-40_1.95 -rc_corner min_rc
# Create Constraint Mode => for this netlist, we create two modes: functional and scan. NOTE: all files same as from synthesis.
create_constraint_mode -name functional -sdc_files \
[list /db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/env_constraints.tcl \ => env constraints (i/o load, i/p driver)
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/dont_use.tcl \ => dont_use (optional)
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/dont_touch.tcl \ => dont_touch (optional)
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/clocks.tcl \ => clk defn
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/constraints.tcl \ => all design constraints = i/o delays
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/gen_clocks.tcl \ => generated clk defn
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/case_analysis.tcl \ => scan_mode set to 0 (only if scan present)
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/false_paths.tcl \
create_constraint_mode -name scan -sdc_files [list ./scripts/scan.sdc]
#scan.sdc has env constraints (i/p driver, o/p load), clk defn for scan clk (on port designated for scan clk) with a slower cycle than func clk, case analysis with scan_mode set to 1, and all design constraints (i/o delay redefined wrt scan clk). Only difference in scan sdc (compared to functional sdc) is that no false path file is needed as there is only single clk (scan clk) when scan mode is set to 1. Also, i/o delay specified here is wrt scan clk, whereas in func, all i/o delay were wrt func clk
NOTE: instead of using all these *.tcl files from Synthesis dir, we can use .sdc file generated in sdc/constraints.sdc using write_sdc command. Be careful though to remove "set_ideal_network", "set_false_path -from scan_enable", "set_clock_uncertainty", "set_resistance" from internal nets, "set_load" from internal nets, etc from this sdc file so that it can be used in PnR. Or safer approach is to just use all constraints tcl files separately and not rely on sdc file. In DC-topo, constraints file has resistance/load on each net of design, causing EDI to pick these up, instead of calc res/cap for each net. See Synthesis_DC.txt. also set_units cmd causes differnen cap/time units to be used in cdns/snps tools, so be careful. See in sdc.txt. Also, sdc generated by synopsys has "-library *.db" for set_driving_cell cmd. This causes warning as "Could not locate cell IV110 in any library for view MIN" in encounter, as when reading sdc file for MIN corner, there's no MAX corner db file avilable, causing those warnings. Best approach is to manually remove any reference to lib/db files, so that same sdc files can be used for all MIN/MAX/NOM corners.
# Create Analysis Views => now create 4 views: func(max/min) and scan(max/min)
create_analysis_view -name func_max -delay_corner max_delay_corner -constraint_mode functional
create_analysis_view -name func_min -delay_corner min_delay_corner -constraint_mode functional
create_analysis_view -name scan_max -delay_corner max_delay_corner -constraint_mode scan
create_analysis_view -name scan_min -delay_corner min_delay_corner -constraint_mode scan
#NOTE: update_library_set, update_rc_corner, update_delay_corner, update_constraint_mode, update_analysis view can be used to update any of these variables.
#report_case_analysis can be done to see what values of pins are associated with diff analysis views. This is useful to verify that all views are correct. Sometimes, tools don't pick up constraints in *.tcl files and just ignore them, if it's not the expected syntax
#report_path_exceptions can be used to see list of all false paths used by VDIO.
#report_ports -pin [all_output] => to report caps+external_delay on all o/p ports. similarly for i/p ports with [all_input]. This can be used to verify if sdc files were loaded properly in all views (check thse values for both func_mode and scan_mode)
#report_ports -pin [get_ports {ENABLE_PORT1}] => to report for a specific port
# Save design after floorplan => save in views dir
saveDesign ./dbs/views/views.enc
place.tcl => apply more constraints, set view, perform timing analysis, check design, attach bufs, then do placeDesign, and check and save
# Apply additional constraints
set timing_enable_genclk_edge_based_source_latency false => Controls how the software chooses generated clock source latency paths. When set to false, the software does not check paths for the correct cause-effect relationship. We should set it to "true" so that we can see if all generated clocks have correct rise/fall relation with source clk. latency for generated clock is chosen as "0" for gen clk edges which don't have correct relationship with source clk. Ex: if gen clk is div by 1 and it's a +ve edge clk, then fall edge of gen clk will generate error (and hence have 0 latency) as fall edge of source clk can't generate fall edge of gen clk.
# Do placement, CTS and Route in Functional mode. We use scan mode briefly during CTS (to get clk tree) and then again go to func mode. We goto scan mode after place during STA/SIGNOFF timing analysis.
set_analysis_view -setup func_max -hold func_min => Defines the analysis views (func_max and func_min only) to use for setup and hold analysis and optimization. Here cap tables are used for wire res/cap. On screen, it shows what files it used for each view. sdc file is read here for the first time, so any errors/warnings found in sdc file syntax are reported here.
#since views are set to func mode, all_constraint_mode active at this time are only func mode. scan mode is not active. We can type "all_constraint_modes -active" to see all active modes.
### print some useful reports before doing placement
#report_clocks => This reports all clks (gen too) with their waveforms. If something is oncorrect, it needs to be fixed
#check_timing -verbose timingReports/check_timing.rpt => This reports any problems with any clks. It shows all flops with no clks, timing loops, unconstrained paths, ideal clks and problem b/w master and gen clks. It can be used to find out any mismatches b/w PT timing run and VDIO run (especially if some paths still have setup/hold violations in PT, it's most likely due to unconstrained paths in VDIO)
#report_path_exceptions can be used to see list of all false paths used by VDIO.
# Perform timing analysis before placement. timeDesign Runs Trial Route, extraction, and timing analysis, and generates detailed timing reports. The generated timing reports are saved in ./timingReports directory or the directory that you specify using the -outDir parameter. It saves reports for setup/hold for reg2reg, reg2out, in2out, clkgate (for paths ending in clk gating). options are -prePlace | -preCTS | -postCTS | -postRoute [-si] | -signoff [-si] | -reportOnly. Only -signoff uses QRC extraction and SignalStorm delay calc, others use native extraction. -si can only be used with -postroute and -signoff option. It generates glitch violation report and incremental SDF for timing analysis.
timeDesign -prePlace -prefix digtop_pre_place => running setup, so uses func_max view.
# check design before placement
#check_timing -verbose timingReports/check_timing.rpt
checkPlace ./dbs/place/check_place_pre_place.rpt => Checks FIXED and PLACED cells for violations, and generates violation rpt in file specified. If no o/p file specified, summary report is shown, which shows placed and unplaced instances and density.
#On the screen (and also in log/encounter.log file), it shows total no. of unplaced instances, which should equal the no. of instances in the *_scan.v netlist generated from DC, which is fed into VDI (in file script/import.conf as ui_netlist). There is a script in ~/scripts/count_instances.tcl to count total no. of leaf cells in DC. The gate count from this script should equal no. of unplaced instances in VDI.
#Other way, if you dont want to use the script is to goto DC reports and look at reports/digtop.scan.area.rpt file which shows total cell area in terms of nd2x1 gates. In VDI log/encounter.log file, look at placement density numerator area. divide this by area of nd2x1 gate (by looking at nd2x1 gate area from leffile), and you get the total no. of gates in terms of nd2x1.
checkDesign -noHtml -all -outfile ./dbs/place/check_design_pre_place.rpt => checks design for everything.
#add placement obstruction incase we need to add diodes or other IP. After done with obstruction, we can delete them
createObstruct <x1 y1 x2 y2> -name ANT_RESV => block standard cell placements in box formed by co-ords provided, and given name ANT_RSVD. this is so that any subsequent placement doesn't place any cells here.
#add antenna diodes to i/o pins. We do it before placing anything, since we specify exact location where we want to add diodes.
#2 ways: one by using below script (doesn't work with arrays), and other by using attachDiode cmd explained later.
script by cadence to add diodes to all input + output pins: <EDI_install>/share/fe/gift/scripts/tcl/userAddDiodesToIOs.tcl
script by cadence to add diodes to all input pins: <EDI_install>/share/fe/gift/scripts/tcl/userAttachIoDiodesToInputs.tcl
These scripts have procedures, which can be called as below:
encounter > userAttachIoDiodesToInputs AP001L => adds AP001L to all inputs near to where the input ports are.
3 main cmds in these scripts:
1. addInst -cell AP001L -inst I_GPIO_user_added => add an instance of AP001L and name it (still unplaced)
2. placeInstance I_GPIO_user_added 1550 8 -placed => place instance of AP001L at (1550,8)
3. attachterm I_GPIO_user_added A I_GPIO[7] => A is diode pin while I_GPIO[7] is i/p port. Connect these terminals
# Add I/O Buffers
#attachIOBuffer => Adds buffers to the I/O pins of a block and places the buffers near the I/O pins. Buffers are attached and then some of them are flipped to match row orientation (for VDD/VSS hookup).
#IMP: we need to use -markFixed with attachIOBuffer before running place, else place will remove many of them.
#-in or -out => specifies cell name of input or output buffer from the lib.
#-markFixed =>Marks newly-inserted buffers as Fixed.
#-port =>Prepends the port name to the name of the net or instance created.
#-suffix <suffxName> =>Appends a string to name of the net or instance created.
#-selNetFile <selNetFileName>=> Specifies the file that contains the names of nets (or ports in our case) to include in the buffer attachment operation.
#-excNetFile <selNetFileName>=> Specifies the file that contains the names of nets (or ports in our case) to exclude in the buffer attachment operation.
This is useful when we want to add one set of buffers to few nets, and other set of buffers to all other nets. with exclude, we can use just 1 file.
# Add BU140 on all inputs that do not go to the scan isolation gate (as scan iso already has 4x and gates to its inputs)
attachIOBuffer -port -suffix "_buf" -in BU140 -markFixed -selNetFile ./scripts/in_bu140_list.txt
# Add 10X buffer on select outputs
attachIOBuffer -port -suffix "_buf" -out BU1A0M -markFixed -selNetFile ./scripts/out_bu1a0m_list.txt
# Insert BU140 on all outputs that do not have the 10X buffer
attachIOBuffer -port -suffix "_buf" -out BU140 -markFixed -selNetFile ./scripts/out_bu140_list.txt
#To just attach buffers to all i/o ports, don't use any netfile.
attachIOBuffer -port -suffix "_buf" -in BU140L -markFixed
attachIOBuffer -port -suffix "_buf" -out BU140L -markFixed
# Set Fix IO so that placement does not move pins around
# at this stage, reportGateCount should show cell count to be equal to gates from synthesis + IO buffers added.
# Scan Trace
#specifyScanChain chain1 -start sdi_in -stop U19/B =>Specifies a scan chain or group in a design, and gives it a name (ex: chain1 here). -start/stop specifies starting and stopping scan pin names (or inst i/p or o/p pin names).
#scanTrace -lockup -verbose => Traces the scan chain connections and reports the starting and ending scan points and the total number of elements in the scan chain. -lockup implies that tracing detects lockup latches automatically. -verbose prints cell inst names of scan chain. used after specifyScanChain cmd.
# Place standard cells and spares. placeDesign first deletes buffertree to get rid of unwanted buffers/inverters. Reads all analysis views, reports total stdcell (after deleting buffers), does spec file integrity, moves/flips instances, and then runs placeDesign cmd which does a trial route. It looks for obstruction in Vertical/Horizontal dirn, and shows final congestion distribution. It does resizing, buffering, other DRV fixes(max cap, max tran,etc), calcualtes delays, fixes timing and then reclaims area by deleting/downsizing cells. It keeps on refining placement and building a congestion distribution map, until it's efficient placement.
setPlaceMode -timingdriven true -reorderScan false -congEffort high -clkGateAware true -modulePlan true =>
placeDesign -inPlaceOpt -prePlaceOpt => Places standard cells based on the global settings for placement, RC extraction, timing analysis, and trial routing. pre-placed buffer tree, etc are removed and optimized.
#-inPlaceOpt = Performs timing-driven placement with optimization. enables the in-place optimization flow
#-noPrePlaceOpt = Disables the pre-placed buffer tree removal ( or pre-place optimization during the placement run). same as -incremental
# check and save design after placement
checkPlace ./dbs/place/check_place.rpt
checkDesign -noHtml -all -outfile ./dbs/place/check_design_place.rpt
saveDesign ./dbs/place/place.enc
# Perform timing analysis after placement
timeDesign -preCTS -prefix digtop_post_place
# Add Spares, repeat steps creating a spare module (containing some gates) and then placing it repeatedly. find name of available gates from ATD page
#-clock <net_name> => specifies clk net to connect to clk pins of seq cells in spare module. Usually we do this to offer balanced clk tree even when spare flops are added during eco. Otherwise, extra load on clk net due to these spare flops may cause some other paths to fail hold/setup, which may not be fixable by metal only change.
#-reset <net_name>:<pin_name> => specifies reser net to connect to reset pins of seq cells. If this option not used, then tieLo option should be used to tie reset pins, else they will be left floating.
#-tie <tie-cell-name> => specifies tie-hi and tie-low cells to add to spare module. w/o this, all pins are connected to 1'b0 or 1'b1 instead of being connected to tie-hi/tie-lo cell o/p.
#-tieLo <pin_names> => default is to tie pins high, unless specified using tieLo.
createSpareModule -cell {IV120 IV120 IV120 IV120 BU120 BU120 BU120 BU120 AN220 AN220 AN220 AN220 NA220 NA220 NA220 NA220 OR220 OR220 NO220 NO220 EX220 EX220 MU121 MU121 LAL20 TDB21 TDB21 TDB21} -tie TO010 -tieLo {TDB21:CLRZ LAL20:CZ} -moduleName spare_mod1
#-area gives the total area coord where we want to place spares. -util is obselete parameter
placeSpareModule -moduleName spare_mod1 -offsetx 50 -offsety 300 -stepx 400 -stepy 700 -area { 15 15 2700 1400 }
NOTE: there are designs where we have spare module in RTL itself. In such case, we don't need to create spare module or place it separately in encounter. We run this: (we can use "specifySpareGate" cmd in eco script too, as that is where we need this spare gate info to do eco gate substitution)
#specifySpareGate -inst *Spare* => This lets encounter understand that this isntance is spare module and all gates in it are spare cells, so that it can be treated accordingly.
#specifySpareGate -inst I_scan_iso_out/g1453 => This adds "spare" property on this gate (which is not in spare module) so that it can be used as spare gate during eco.
#set_dont_touch *Spare*/* true => this is so that the tool doesn't remove the gates in Spare module.
# check and save design after placement with spares
checkPlace ./dbs/place/check_place_spares.rpt
checkDesign -noHtml -all -outfile ./dbs/place/check_design_place_spares.rpt
saveDesign ./dbs/place/place_spares.enc
#optimizations: optDesign optimizes setup time (for worst -ve slack path, and then tries to reduce total -ve slack), corrects drv (for max_tran and max_cap viol), then if specified, corrects holdtime, opt useful skew, opt lkg power and reclaim area. In MMMC mode, it opt all analysis views concurrently. It uses techniques as add/delete buffer, resize gate, remap logic, move instance, apply useful skew.
#optDesign -preCTS|-postCTS|-postRoute -drv|-incr|-hold -prefix <fileNamePrefix> -outDir <dir_name> => w/o any options, it fixes setup and drv violations. -incr can only be used after running optDesign by itself to fix setup viol. -drv fixes drv, while -hold fixes hold viol. -drv|-incr|-hold can only be used one at a time. Default dir is timingReports for writing timing reports. In MMMC mode, optimizes all analysis views concurrently.
# Post-placement optimization => only if needed, repeat steps
setOptMode -effort high => effort level (default is high)
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false => if true, simplifies netlist by removing dangling o/p, useless/unobservable logic, spares, etc.
setOptMode -fixFanoutLoad true => causes max FanOut design rule violations to be repaired (by default, drv don't fix these)
optDesign -preCTS -prefix digtop_post_place_opt => repairs design rule violations and setup violations before clock tree is built. -prefix specifies a prefix for optDesign report file in timingReports/<prefix>_hold.summary, etc.
#optDesign -preCTS -drv -prefix digtop_post_place_opt => -drv (design rule violation) corrects max_cap and max_tran violations
#optDesign -preCTS -incr -prefix digtop_post_place_opt => -incr performs setup opt
# check and save design after post-place optimization
checkPlace ./dbs/place/check_place_opt.rpt
checkDesign -all -outfile ./dbs/place/check_design_place_opt.rpt
saveDesign ./dbs/place/place_opt.enc
# Perform timing analysis after placement
timeDesign -preCTS -prefix digtop_post_place_opt
#Save netlist post-placement optimization
#saveNetlist => this saves netlist from top lvel to leafcells. options:
#-excludeCellInst {SPAREFILL4 DECAP10 ..} => excludes specified logical or physical cells. put cell names in {...} or "...".
#-includePhysicalInst : Includes physical instances, such as fillers. Fillers are present in top level module. Physical cells are not present in .liberty files but only in .lef, so by default they are not included in netlist. This is how EDI figures which are physical cells by looking for cells in .lef which are missing in liberty files. These cells if put in verilog netlist will not run timing as there is no timing info for these cells. However, diodes and some other cells are present in liberty files, even though they are physical only cells. This helps them be in netlist so that we can run lvs for schematic vs layout when imported into icfb. Filler cells are just cap, so lvs complains about missing DCAP in schematic, which we then manually add to schematic to make it lvs clean.
#-includePhysicalCell {FILLER5 FILLER10 ..} includes the mentioned physical cell instances in the netlist.
#-excludeLeafCell => writes all of the netlist, but excludes leaf cell definitions in the netlist. This is how the netlist normally looks.
#-includePowerGround => Includes power and ground connections in the netlist file. This will add pwr nets (VDD/VSS) to all cells.
saveNetlist ./netlist/digtop_post_place_opt.v => this saves netlist from top level to leafcells.
CTS => inserts clock tree, synthesize scan clk tree and mclk clk tree.
to view clktree in gui, 2 options:
1. to view tree in text tree format: goto clock->browse clk tree ->set clock to spi_clk or whatever, select Preroute and then OK. Shows the whole hier in tree like structure.
2. to view the actual layout of clktree in gui, goto Clock->Display->Display_clock_tree. Choose "all clocks", display "all level" or start with "selected level 1" and then move to 2nd level and so on.
# Start Clean
# Import post-place design
#source ./dbs/place/place_opt.enc
#creating clk tree spec file: we can either manually create this file or tool can create one for us from the SDC constraints in effect (here func view is in effect, so func.sdc used).
createClockTreeSpec -file func_clktree.ctstch => SDC mapping to CTS is done as follows. (SDC cmd -> CTS cmd)
#create_clock -> AutoCTSRootPin
#set_clock_transition -> SinkMaxTran/BufMaxTran (default is 400ps)
#set_clock_latency -> MaxDelay(default=clock period), MinDelay(default=0)
#set_clock_uncertainty -> MaxSkew (default=300ps)
#create_generated_clock -> ThroughPin (adds necessary ThroughPin stmt)
# Insert Clock Tree, we have 4 separate clk trees here, but we use spi_clk to build CTS in scan mode, so that only 1 clk tree is built. This covers all clks. If we aeren't in scan_mode, then we need to build 4 separate clk trees.
set_case_analysis 1 scan_mode_in
#setCTSMode is used in lieu of putting these settings in clk tree spec file. This cmd should be run before running specifyClockTree. Settings in clk tree spec file (in specifyClockTree) takes priority.
setCTSMode -useLibMaxCap true => set all setCTSMode parameters before running the specifyClockTree command.
#-useLibMaxCap true => Uses the maximum capacitance values specified in the timing library.
#-routeBottomPreferredLayer 4 => Specifies the bottom preferred metal layer for routing non leaf-level nets.Default= 3
#-routeTopPreferredLayer 6 => Specifies the top preferred metal layer for routing non leaf-level nets.Default= 4
#-routeShielding VSS => shield nonleaf-level clk nets with net named VSS
#-routePreferredExtraSpace 3 => provide extra spacing of 3 tracks b/w clk and VSS, when routing nonleaf-level nets. Default=1
specifyClockTree -file ./scripts/func_clktree.ctstch => Loads the clock tree specification file.
#scripts/func_clktree.ctstch: embed each clk between AutoCTSRootPin and END. Specify Period, MaxSkew, Buffer, ThroughPin. ThroughPin is used for generated clks, so that skew requirements are maintained for generated clk to master clk. This helps in getting rid of hold violation between flops in master clk to flops in generated clks.
AutoCTSRootPin spi_clk => root pin spi_clk
Period 100ns => default=10ns
MaxDelay 10ns => max delay allowed from clock port of chip to any sink. default=10ns
MinDelay 0ns => min delay allowed from clock port of chip to any sink. default=0ns
MaxSkew 2000ps => max skew between clk pins of any 2 flops. large value here implies fewer buffers will be injected in clk tree. 2ns allows only 1 or 2 level of clk tree to be built. hold delays if any will be fixed by adding buffers in data path (burns less power). It we put skew of 200ps, we'll get 4 or 5 levels of clk tree.
SinkMaxTran 600ps => max tranistion (rise/fall) allowed at sink
BufMaxTran 600ps => max tranistion (rise/fall) allowed at i/p of any clk tree buffer
Buffer CTB02B CTB15B CTB201B CTB20B CTB25B CTB30B CTB35B CTB40B CTB45B CTB50B CTB55B CTB60B CTB65B CTB70B => buffer cells to use during automatic, gated CTS
NoGating NO => trace through clock gating logic. default=NO. If "rising/falling" used => Stops tracing through a gate (including buffers and inverters) and treats the gate as a rising/falling-edge-triggered flip-flop clock pin
DetailReport YES
ForceMaxTran YES
#AddSpareFF DTB10 5 => add max of 5 spare DTB10 FF to lowest level of clock tree. i/p of FF are tied to 0 and o/p left floating. These can be used during ECO without disturbing the existing clk tree network.
#SetDPinAsSync NO => treat Data pin of FF as sync/excluded (default=NO => treat it as excluded pin, i.e don't try to balance to it, YES => try to balance it if CTS is able to trace to it)
#SetIoPinAsSync NO => treat I/O pin as sync/excluded (default=NO => treat it as excluded pin, YES => try to balance it if CTS is able to trace to it)
RouteClkNet Yes => runs globalDetailRoute on clk tree using nanoroute. (by default, "setCTSMode -routeClkNet true' is set inside clockDesign/ckSyntehsis, so globalDetailRoute is always run)
#PostOpt YES => turns on opt => resizes buffers or inverters or gating components, refines placement, and corrects routing for signal and clock wires. default=YES.
#OptAddBuffer NO => Controls whether CTS adds buffers during optimization.
#RouteType specialRoute
#LeafRouteType regularRoute
ThroughPin => traces thru the pin, even if pin is clk pin.
+ Iclk_rst_gen/clk_count_reg_1/CLK => div by 4 clk generated using this flop. Causes CTS to get clk thru this pin for balancing clk.
+ Iclk_rst_gen/clk_count_reg_2/CLK => div by 8 clk generated using this flop. Causes CTS to get clk thru this pin for balancing clk.
ExcludedPin => to exclude some pins for CTS purpose. CTS will not try to balance clk thru this pin.
#NOTE: when we use ThroughPin for clk pin, then that clk pin thru which we are doing through, is treated as excluded pin , and cts will not try to balance that clk pin with other clk leaf pins. It will actually try to balance the final leaf flops that are connected after going thru that clk pin (i.e connected to Q o/p of such a flop). DynamicMacroModel can be used to balance skew for such flops (see: encounter CTS documentation).
#CTB buffers are added as part of clk tre with suffix __L1_ (or L2,L3,etc). Apart from these, __Exclude_0 (or 1,2,etc) buffers are added by the CTS engine (b/w driver and exclude pin) to exclude the pins specified in the clock tree specification file. This is needed so the driver(s) of the excluded pin(s) does not see a large load if they are located a significant distance apart. All clk pins of flops driven by rootclk are sync pins, and are balanced by CTS. If we use "ThroughPin", then clk pins of these flops driven by divided clk are also treated as sync pins for CTS and will be balanced. All other pins are treated as "exclude" pins, meaning they are async and CTS doesn't consider them when doing CTS. So, throughpins for clk above, will be treated as async and any buffers added to drive clk pins of these will be marked as __Exclude_. These exlude buffers as well as the flops connected to them don't show up in clock tree browser (in VDIO). They are not considered part of normal clk tree. So, total number of flops shown by CTS may not be some as total nummber of flops in CTS tree, due to "excluded" flops.
#To see list of all flops not in any clk tree, open clk tree browser from VDIO panel, and click on Tool->List->FF not in clk tree. Over here, apart from spare flops, we'll see all "throughpin" flops on which exclude buffers have been added, all spi flops and regfile flops.
#actual clk tree synthesis: cksynthesis resizes inv,buf and clk gating elements unless they have been marked as dont touch. Clock gating components consist of buffers, inverters, AND gates, OR gates, and any other logical element (defined in the library) that appears in the clock tree before CTS synthesis inserts any buffers or inverters. Then globalDetailRoute is run to route clk nets
#-forceReconvergent=> Forces CTS to synthesize a clock with self-reconvergence or clocks with crossover points. Without this option, CTS halts and issues errors. To synthesize clocks with crossover points, list such clocks together in the clock tree specification file.
ckSynthesis -report ./dbs/cts/ -forceReconvergent => Builds clock trees, routes clock nets, and resizes instances, depending on the parameters you specify. These routes/placement are not touched again during signal routing.
#clockDesign -specFile Clock.ctstch -outDir ./dbs/cts => optional: this 1 cmd replaces 2 cmds above (specifyClockTree and ckSynthesis. These 2 cmds are called in background). It provides clock_report in ./dbs/cts/
#CTS reports: On screen, first we see res/cap tables being read for all views (MAX/MIN), then it reads clktree spec file, then it runs ckSynthesis. It does various checks for clk pins, then it builds clk tree, shows subtree 0 (tree from clk i/p port), subtree 1 (tree from first driving gate of clk) and so on. It tries to satisfy the constraints in clktree spec file across all active views. It then does routing and again tries to satisfy all constraints.
#In CTS report, we'll see many subtrees, each of which corresponds to bunch of flops driven directly by the driver.
Ex: on the main screen, we see reports like this for one of the subtrees:
SubTree No: 5 => represents that it is subtree 5, and has all flops driven by driver shown below
Input_Pin: (Iclk_rst_gen/clk_gate_reg/latch/CLK) => i/p pin of driver
Output_Pin: (Iclk_rst_gen/clk_gate_reg/latch/GCLK) => o/p pin of driver
Output_Net: (Iclk_rst_gen/n27) => net name of clk that is driving bunch of flops on this clk tree.
*** Find 2 Excluded Nodes. => there are 2 excluded nodes on this clktree, which aren't going to be part of CTS.
**** CK_START: TopDown Tree Construction for Iclk_rst_gen/n27 (5-leaf) (1 macro model) (mem=491.2M) => no. of leaf elements is 5, this includes flops as well as buf/clk-gaters for another subtree.
Total 2 topdown clustering.
Trig. Edge Skew=725[532,1257] N5 B0 G2 A0(0.0) L[1,1] score=900 cpu=0:00:00.0 mem=491M
**** CK_END: TopDown Tree Construction for Iclk_rst_gen/n27 (cpu=0:00:00.0, real=0:00:00.0, mem=491.2M)
#set_interactive_constraint_modes {<list_of_constraint_modes>} => Puts the software into interactive constraint entry mode for the specified multi-mode multi-corner constraint mode objects. Any timing constraints that you specify after this command take effect immediately on all active analysis views that are associated with the specified constraint modes. The software stays in interactive mode until you exit by specifying the set_interactive_constraint_modes command with an empty list: set_interactive_constraint_modes { }
set_case_analysis 0 scan_mode_in => we exit out of scan mode back to normal func mode
# Check and save design after clocktree insertion
checkPlace ./dbs/cts/check_place.rpt
checkDesign -noHtml -all -outfile ./dbs/cts/check_design_cts.rpt
saveDesign ./dbs/cts/cts.enc
# Add set_propagated_clock by entering interactive mode
set_interactive_constraint_modes [all_constraint_modes -active]
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks] => propagates delay along clk n/w (accurate only after CTS) from clk source to reg clk pin. We can also specify clk src latency (latency from external src to clk port) using set_clock_latency. Total latency is sum of clk src latency and propagated delay. To specify uncertainty for external src latency, use -early or -late, and tools choose worst one for setup/hold. To specify internal uncertainty (for skew or variation in the successive edges of clk wrt exact clk), use set_clock_uncertainty.
set_interactive_constraint_modes { }
# Timing Analysis after CTS before optimization
timeDesign -postCTS -prefix digtop_post_cts
timeDesign -postCTS -hold -prefix digtop_post_cts -numPaths 50
# Post CTS optimization
#setOptMode -effort high
#setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
#setOptMode -fixCap true -fixTran true -fixFanoutLoad false => this says which drv viol need to be fixed (usually FO fix not needed)
#-postCTS repairs design rule violations and setup violations after clk tree has been built. -hold will fix hold violations also. -incr performs setup opt if needed further.
optDesign -postCTS -prefix digtop_post_cts_opt => fixes drv and setup viol only (if -hold added here, then it fixes hold viol only. if -drv, then it fixes drv viol only)
optDesign -postCTS -hold -prefix digtop_post_cts_opt => fixes hold viol only.
IMP: all viol should be fixed by now, as from here on, no gates can be added. So, only minor viol related to routing can be fixed. If any gross viol remains by now, it will never be fixed post CTS.
# Check and save design after clocktree insertion post optimization
#checkDesign -all -outfile ./dbs/cts/check_design_cts_opt.rpt
#saveDesign ./dbs/cts/cts_opt.enc
# Timing analysis after optimization
#timeDesign -postCTS -prefix digtop_post_cts_opt
#timeDesign -postCTS -hold -prefix digtop_post_cts_opt
# Save netlist post CTS optimization
saveNetlist ./netlist/digtop_post_cts_opt.v
Route => runs nanoroute to route it, cmd is routeDesign
# Import Post CTS design => file from posS step above
#source ./dbs/cts/cts_opt.enc
#setting SI (noise)driven and Timing driven to true, enables SMART algo (Abbreviation for Signal integrity, Manufacturing Awareness, Routability, and Timing). by default, nanoroute takes into account both timing and SI while routing. If timing driven is set to false, it uses an older algo. Use the options -routeSiEffort and -routeTdrEffort to adjust the effort level for SI and Timing Driven routing, respectively. These options fine-tune the priorities the router assigns to timing, signal integrity, and congestion. All these options can be selected using gui: route->nanorute->route.
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithTimingDriven true => minimize timing violation by causing most crit nets to be routed first.
#setNanoRouteMode -routeTdrEffort 0:10 =>effort level with tdr(timing driven route). 0=>congestion driven while 9=>timing driven
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithSiDriven true => minimize crosstalk violation by wire spacing, layer hopping, net ordering and minimizing the use of long parallel wires.
#setNanoRouteMode -routeSiEffort {high | medium | low } => default is high when timing driven is set to true else default is low. set to high for congested designs (since congested designs have SI problems), low for non congested.
#specify top and bottom routing layers (by default bot/top routing layers are ones specified in tech lef file).
setNanoRouteMode -quiet -routeBottomRoutingLayer default => specifies lowest layer nanoroute uses for routing. Layers can be specified using the LEF layer names or layer ID numbers. default is lowest layer specified in lef file. range is 1-15 => 1 means metal1 and so on. If POLY is defined as routing layer in tech lef file, then POLY is assigned layer id 1, METAL1 is layer id 2 and so on.
setNanoRouteMode -quiet -routeTopRoutingLayer default => Specifies the highest layer the router uses for routing. default is the highest layer specified in lef file. range is 1-15.
#specify iterations for nanoroute. nanoroute first does global route, then starts detail routing from iteration 0 to 20(max) in steps. Iterations after 0 do not run routing. Instead, they run search and repair. Iterations after 20 run post route opt. start and end iterations are set by default to 0.
setNanoRouteMode -drouteStartIteration default => Specifies the first pass in a detailed routing step.
setNanoRouteMode -drouteEndIteration default => Specifies the last pass in a detailed routing step. set to default (which implies run post route opt). If set to some number, antenn violations will not get fixed
#Pitch/Mgrid options
#setNanoRouteMode -quiet -drouteOnGridOnly none|via|all => we use this option to control off-grid (off-track) routing. Note: grid means track in nanoroute which is Metal1 pitch. 3 options:
all =>no off grid routing of vias and wires, none =>no off grid routing of wires, via =>no off grid routing of vias
#OBSELETE: setNanoRouteMode -drouteHonorMinFeature true => This is to honor Manufacturing Grid. this is set by default to true if MANUFACTURINGGRID is set in tech lef file. In future releases, this not needed as nanoroute is always going to honour MGrid.
#antenna violation options
#setNanoRouteMode routeIgnoreAntennaTopCellPin =>Ignores antenna violations on top-level I/O block pins, but repairs antenna violations elsewhere. default is true, so no need to set it.
#antenna violations can be fixed by 2 ways: 1. layer hopping 2. Antenna diode insertion.
1. layer hopping:
setNanoRouteMode -drouteFixAntenna True => This can be used when antenna viol are the only violations, and we want to just fix these. Do a "setNanoRouteMode -reset" before running this
2. Antenna diode insertion:
setNanoRouteMode -routeInsertAntennaDiode true => nanoroute searches in LEF for cells of type ANTENNACELL specified in the LEF MACRO statement. These cells will be used for diode insertion, provided diffusion area is specified for the antenna cell ( ANTENNADIFFAREA ) so Nanoroute understands that adding this cell to the net will reduce the process antenna effects for the gates connected to it. First Nanoroute will use layer hopping, and if violations still remain, it will do diode insertion)
#NOTE: Antenna diodes are not inserted for ECO routing. Also by default, antenna diodes are not inserted on clock nets, since clock nets are don't touch (and also clk nets are routed first, so lot of flexibility in layer hopping allows all antenna viol to be fixed). To have antenna diodes on clock nets, use:
#setNanoRouteMode -routeInsertDiodeForClockNets true
#setNanoRouteMode -reset => resets all setNanoRouteMode parameters to their default values
#getNanoRouteMode => displays everything that's set for nanoroute. good for sanity check.
routeDesign -globalDetail => (equiv to "globalDetailRoute") runs global and detailed routing (by default). It's timing and SI driven by default, but we can set both of these false.
#global routing is initial pahse, where tool plans global interconnect and prduces a congestion map. During this phase, NanoRoute breaks the design into rectangles called global routing cells (gcells). It finds connections for the regular nets defined in the NETS section of the DEF file by assigning them to the gcells. The goals of global routing are to distribute and minimize congestion and to minimize the number of gcells that have more nets assigned than routing resources available.
#detail routing is when NanoRoute builds the detailed routing database. Then it routes the wires that connect the pins to their corresponding nets, following the global routing plan. During the search-and-repair phase of detailed routing, NanoRoute repairs design rule violations.The primary goal of detailed routing is to complete the interconnect without creating shorts or spacing violations. Tech lef file has all DRC rules (which are mostly spacing rules for vias and metal lines).
#from VDI gui, we can run routing using route->nanoroute->route. choose timing driven and set scale to 5. (for congestion driven, set scale to 0)
#to add antenna diodes manually to internal nets which still have violations, after routing is done, use this:
attachDiode -prefix <custom_diode> -diodeCell <diodeCellName> -pin <instName> <termName> => adds antenna diode to named pin of named inst.
ex: attachDiode -prefix custom_diode_input -diodeCell AP001 -pin inst1/reg_gater_4 PREZ => adds Diode named AP001 to pin named term2 of inst1 residing in inst2 present in top level module. Names it with prefix "custom_diode_input" so that it's easier to recognize it.
# Check and Save design after route
checkPlace ./dbs/route/check_place.rpt
checkDesign -all -outfile ./dbs/route/check_design_route.rpt -noHtml
saveDesign ./dbs/route/route.enc
# Remove any interactive constraints entered before (set_propogated to respecify)
update_constraint_mode -name functional -sdc_files \
[list /db/BOLT/design1p0/HDL/Autoroute/digtop/Files/input/bolt_constraints.sdc \
/db/BOLT/design1p0/HDL/Synopsys/digtop/tcl/clocks.tcl \
/db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/tcl/case_analysis.tcl \
/db/BOLT/design1p0/HDL/Synopsys/digtop/tcl/false_paths.tcl \
/db/BOLT/design1p0/HDL/Synopsys/digtop/tcl/constraints.tcl \
/db/BOLT/design1p0/HDL/Synopsys/digtop/tcl/multicycle_paths.tcl \
./scripts/case_analysis.sdc \
# Add set_propagated_clock by entering interactive mode
set_interactive_constraint_modes [all_constraint_modes -active]
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
set_interactive_constraint_modes { }
# extractRC options - PostRoute, Non-Coupled, Native Extractor (low effort). Here, we have switched from cap table lookup (*.capTbl in vdio dir in pdk) to RC extractor for more accurate delays.
#setExtractRCMode: sets rc extraction mode fo extractRC cmd.
setExtractRCMode -reset => all setExtractRCMode parameters are reset to default value.
setExtractRCMode -engine postRoute => postroute uses postroute engine where RC extraction is done by detailed measurement of distance b/w wires, and coup cap is reported. preroute uses preroute engine where RC extraction is done by fast density measurement of surrounding wires, and coup cap is not reported. use option -engine postroute with -effortLevel <high or signoff> to achieve greatest accuracy.
setExtractRCMode -coupled false => false implies coupling cap to be grounded, typically used for STA. For SI analysis, this should be set to true so that coupling cap is o/p separately than gnd cap.
setExtractRCMode -effortLevel low => low invokes native extraction engine (lowest accuracy), medium invokes TQRC (Turbo QRC), high invokes IQRC (Integrated QRC), while signoff invokes standalone QRC (highest accuracy). Version of QRC to be used is fixed for a particular Encounter version, but we can change it by specifying it in .amerc file in vdio dir as follows:
.amerc: ext-10.1.2_HF1 => add this line for extractRC to pick up this version of RC extractor
#setExtractRCMode [-total_c_th, -relative_c_th, -coupling_c_th] <value> => there are 3 separate parameters: total_c_th, relative_c_th, coupling_c_th. These determine the threshold of when will the coupling cap of nets be grouded. We don't set this option in our flow, as default values based on process node (using setDesignMode -process command) takes care of it.
#setExtractRCMode -total_c_th <cap> => If total cap for nets < total_c_th, coupling cap is grounded (default=5ff but adjusted based on process node).
#setExtractRCMode -coupling_c_th <cap> => If coupling cap (NOT total cap) for nets < coupling_c_th, coupling cap is grounded (default=3ff but adjusted based on process node),
#setExtractRCMode -relative_c_th <ratio> => If the total coupling cap b/w a pair of nets is less than the percentage (specified with this parameter) of the total cap of the net with the smaller total cap in the pair, the coupling cap b/w these two nets will be grounded (default=0.03).
#setExtractRCMode -capFilterMode <relOnly | relAndCoup | relOrCoup> => this option is used only when -coupled is set to true above. default is relAndCoup for process node below 130nm, else default is relOnly. process node is set using setDesignMode -process command.
#any setting => if net's cap < total_c_th, then coupling cap grounded regardless of the -capFilterMode setting.
#relOnly => if net's coupling cap < relative_c_th, then coupling cap grounded.
#relAndCoup => if net's coupling cap < relative_c_th and coupling_c_th, then coupling cap grounded. most restrictive.
#relOrCoup => if net's coupling cap < relative_c_th or coupling_c_th, then coupling cap grounded.
#setDesignMode -process 150 => implies process is 150nm and above. We adjust this based on what nm process we are using so that the tool automatically adjusts coupling cap thresholds. For 150nm, total_c_th=5, relative_c_th=0.03 and coupling_c_th=3. For lower nm tech, coupling cap threshold raised (i.e, any coupling cap below a certain value is kept as coupling instead of lumping to gnd)
#extractRC => not needed to run, since "setExtractRCMode" automatically invokes extractRC when timedesign is run below.
#instead of using setExtractRCMode, we can also use setDelayCalMode
#setDelayCalMode -engine Aae -SIAware false
# Timing Analysis after route
timeDesign -postRoute -prefix digtop_post_route
timeDesign -postRoute -hold -prefix digtop_post_route -numPaths 140
# Post-route optimization => we need this, since routing may have introduced some hold and drv violations.
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.98 =>Specifies the maximum value for area utilization. optdesign does not grow the netlist above this value.
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.1 -setupTargetSlack 0.05
setOptMode -simplifyNetlist false
#-postRoute repairs design rule violations and setup violations after routing is done. -hold will fix hold too. usually need to fix hold and drv
#optDesign -postRoute -prefix digtop_post_route_opt => to fix setup and drv
optDesign -postRoute -hold -prefix digtop_post_route_opt => fix hold
optDesign -postRoute -drv -prefix digtop_post_route_opt => fix drv
# Timing Analysis after route opt
timeDesign -postRoute -prefix digtop_post_route_opt
timeDesign -postRoute -hold -prefix digtop_post_route_opt
# Check and Save design after optimization
checkPlace ./dbs/route/check_place_opt.rpt
checkDesign -all -outfile ./dbs/route/check_design_route_opt.rpt
saveDesign ./dbs/route/route_opt.enc
# Save netlist post-route optimization
saveNetlist ./netlist/digtop_post_route_opt.v
STA: Here we run timing in all modes
set_analysis_view -setup {func_max func_min scan_max scan_min} -hold {func_max func_min scan_max scan_min} => imp to run timing in all modes as there might be paths in setup/hold in other views which may show up in PT, but may never get opt in VDIO. i.e there may be hold paths in func_max and setup paths in func_min which will need to be fixed here.
Run timing, Repeat opt step if necessary as in route step, rerun timing, then check and save.
#-postRoute repairs design rule violations and setup violations after routing is done. -hold will fix hold too. usually need to fix hold and drv after running STA, since some paths might start failing since we have enabled timing for SCAN mode also, so new [paths may pop up.
#optDesign -postRoute -prefix digtop_post_route_sta_opt
Then check area:
set dbgSitesPerGate 5 => /db/pdk/lbc7/.../lef/msl270_lbc7_core_2pin.lef leffile defines coresite size at the top of lef file. This coresite shows the min x dimension that any gate can have. It's basically M2 pitch, as we allow gate widths to be in multiple of M2 pitch. We take x dimension of nand2 x1 (NA210) gates, which is usually 4 or 5 times of this M2 pitch and set dbgSitesPerGate to that number. For this case, CORESITE size is 0.9x11.0, while NA210 has size 4.5x11.0, so dbgSitesPerGate is 4.5/0.9 = 5. This number is very important and changes with process tech. For LBC8, it's 6.8/1.7 = 4.
#If you look at layout of NA210 in lbc7_2pin, it's 4.5x11um (it's in um) with Lmin=0.4um (400nm). It has 3 metal1 lines (min W=0.3um) and 2 poly lines running vertically. So, width and spacing of these 5 lines, sets the x dimension of the cell. On contrast, IV110 has area of 3.6x11um. It has 2 metal1 lines and 1 poly line. Reason for such a large area is to leave space for routing
#gatecount of imported design, and what VDI has currently (we can also use cmd "checkFPlan -util" or "checkPlace" instead of "reportGateCount" to see current design's stats. reportGateCount should be used instead of reportDesignUtil as it's supported cmd)
reportGateCount -level 5 -outfile gatecount_sta.rpt => gives size of the imported design in terms of gatecount. Physical cells (as FILLER, etc) are not reported in this. -stdCellOnly reports stdcells only (no IP_blocks / IO cells reported). -module <modulename> reports gate count for named module. -level reports gate counts for sub-hier upto that level deep. So very useful to see where size increase is coming from.
For gatecount, this is the formula used by VDI: gateCount = moduleArea / gateSize, where
moduleArea is the area of the module (sum of the areas of all instances inside of the module, including standard cells, blocks, and I/O cells,
gateSize = dbgStdCellHgt x dbgDBUPerIGU x dbgSitesPerGate
dbgStdCellHgt is the standard cell row height, dbgDBUPerIGU is the M2 layer pitch, dbgSitesPerGate is a user-defined global variable that determines the gate size the software assumes when calculating the gate count. For example, the default value of 3 means the assumed gate size is equal to 1 standard cell row height and 3 M2 layer pitch widths. So, gatesize is basically in terms of M2 pitch, so we set "dbgSitesPerGate" parameter above to get gatesize in terms of NA210 size.
for our case, gatesize = 11.0x0.9x5=49.5um^2 (size of a nd2x1 gate). Note: we got M2 pitch by looking in vdio/lef/msl270_lbc7_tech_2layer.lef. To confirm, area of nd2x1 gate, we can also look in vdio/lef/*_2pin.lef and get exact X-Y dimension of nd2 gate)
So, this reports total no. of gates in terms of equiv nd2x1 (NA210) gates. It reports total cell area (area occupied by module), and total gates = total_area/nd2x1_area = 106584/49.5 = 2153 gates. It also reports total no of cells placed (cells mean instances of stdcells, i.e flop is 1 cell). It also gives density which is calc as area occupied by cells divided by the total area of the block.
#checkPlace => reports placement density and no. of placed and unplaced instances.
#NOTE: DC report_area gives area by looking at area field in .lib file (in synopsys/src dir) for each cell. For our case it's in terms of nd2x1 gate, since NA210 is assigned an area of 1, and all other stdcells have an area relative to this. So, if it says "Total cell area: 1750" => total area is 1750 nd2x1 gates or 1750*49.5 um^2 = 86625 um^2. to compare gate area, we just compare DC cell area with VDI Gates count (both of which are in terms of nd2x1). This shows us what are the extra no. of gates added post route.
#set extract rc mode to signoff, extract RC.
setExtractRCMode -effortLevel signoff => signoff used to be more accurate
setExtractRCMode -coupled true => coupling cap to be kept
setExtractRCMode -capFilterMode relAndCoup
setDesignMode -process 150 => implies process is 150nm and above.
extractRC => Extracts resistance and capacitance for the interconnects and stores the results in an RC database. done after routing
#time design
timeDesign -signoff -reportOnly -prefix digtop_post_route_signoff
timeDesign -signoff -reportOnly -hold -prefix digtop_post_route_signoff
Cadence CeltIC is signal integrity analyzer in Encounter platform. It performs noise analysis (impact of noise on both delay and functionality) and generates repairs back into PnR. Noise lib (.cDB) are created for efficiently characterizing cells
setExtractRCMode -reset
setExtractRCMode -engine postRoute
setExtractRCMode -effortLevel signoff
setExtractRCMode -coupled true
setExtractRCMode -lefTechFileMap ./scripts/qrc_layer_map.ccl
setExtractRCMode -capFilterMode relAndCoup
setDesignMode -process 150
#set view, propagate clk and set ocv/cprr as during route.
set_analysis_view -setup {func_max func_min scan_max scan_min} -hold {func_max func_min scan_max scan_min}
set_interactive_constraint_modes [all_constraint_modes -active]
set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
set_interactive_constraint_modes { }
setAnalysisMode -analysisType onChipVariation -cppr both
#delay calc mode: used when optimizing design
setDelayCalMode -engine signalStorm -signoff true => for signoff, use signalstorm delay calculator. default is feDc which is EDI delay calculator. -signoff enables signoff quality (highest accuracy) delay calc mode.
#set SI mode
setSIMode -reset => resets all param to default
setSIMode -analysisType default -acceptableWNS same => analysis type resets parameters to default or pessimistic settings. acceptableWNS Specifies the worst negative slack (WNS) that is acceptable for the design. same means keep slack same as before SI, usually 0. Or we can provide the WNS value.
setSIMode -insCeltICPreTcl { source scripts/pre_celtic.tcl } => Changes the default environment variable values to the specified values. sets these parameters. message_handler -set_msg_level ALL; message_handler -set_msg_level ALL
setSIMode -insCeltICPostTcl { source scripts/post_celtic.tcl} => Executes the specified CeltIC NDC commands after the SI analysis engine performs noise analysis. It runs these cmd: generate_clock_report -reverse_slope_limit -1 -nworst 10 -file timingReports/clock_report.rpt, generate_report -txtfile timingReports/noise.rpt.
#timeDesign Runs trial route, extraction and timing analysis. also generates detailed timing reports. -signoff calls QRC for extraction. -si generates glitch violation report and incremental sdf (backannotates an incr.sdf) to calc WNS due to noise. runs SI timing in MMMC mode (all active views), and shows worst case timing.
timeDesign -signoff -si -prefix si_setup
timeDesign -signoff -si -hold -prefix si_hold
# Report Timing including incremental delays for setup/hold. This reports timing for all analysis views that are in effect at this point using "set_analysis_view" cmd (which is FUNC_MAX/MIN, SCAN_MAX/MIN for both setup/hold)
#set_analysis_view -setup {func_max func_min scan_max scan_min} -hold {func_max func_min scan_max scan_min} => change analysis view if you need timing only for a particular view i.e FUNC_MAX.
setAnalysisMode -checkType setup => default is setup.
report_timing -nworst 1 -max_points 500 -check_type setup -net -path_type full_clock -format {instance arc cell slew delay incr_delay arrival required} > timingReports/report_timing_setup.rpt
setAnalysisMode -checkType hold
report_timing -nworst 1 -max_points 500 -check_type hold -net -path_type full_clock -format {instance arc cell slew delay incr_delay arrival required} > timingReports/report_timing_hold.rpt
reportDelayCalculation -from Itimergen/U185/Y -to Itimergen/U1925/A1
#fixing SI.
setOptMode -effort high
setOptMode -maxDensity 0.98
setOptMode -usefulSkew false
setOptMode -holdTargetSlack 0.1 -setupTargetSlack 0.05
#optDesign: -postRoute fixes both setup(incr) and drv if nothing specified. -hold fixes hold violations also. -si corrects glitch and setup violations caused by incremental delays due to coupling cap. -si can only be used with -postroute.
#optDesign -signoff -postRoute -si
optDesign -signoff -postRoute -hold -si -incr
#NOTE: after optdesign finishes it shows setup/hold slack without SI. When we run timeDesign or report_timing, it shows slack with SI. So, the slack with SI will always be lower than what optDesign reports.
timeDesign -signoff -si -prefix si_setup_opt
timeDesign -signoff -si -hold -prefix si_hold_opt
setAnalysisMode -checkType setup => mode has to be "setup" or else report_timing won't report timing for setup. default is setup, so this cmd not needed.
report_timing -nworst 1 -max_points 500 -check_type setup -net -path_type full -format {instance arc cell slew delay incr_delay arrival required} > timingReports/report_timing_si_opt_setup.rpt
setAnalysisMode -checkType hold => mode has to be "hold" or else report_timing won't report timing for hold.
report_timing -nworst 1 -max_points 500 -check_type hold -net -path_type full -format {instance arc cell slew delay incr_delay arrival required} > timingReports/report_timing_si_opt_hold.rpt
setDelayCalMode -considerMillerEffect true
setUseElmoreDelayLimit 300
set_global timing_cppr_self_loop_mode true
set_global timing_disable_bidi_output_timing_checks false
set soceSupportWireLoadModel 1
checkPlace ./dbs/si_fix/check_place.rpt
checkDesign -all -noHtml -outfile ./dbs/si_fix/check_design_sta.rpt
saveDesign ./dbs/si_fix/si_fix.enc
FILLER => add filler cells. Fillers maintain continuity of VDD/VSS and of NWELL/PWELL. after running filler, placement desnisty will goto 100%, so you cant place anything more. Go back to post route step, to do any opt.
#NOTE: filler cells are not defined in .lib file, as they don't have any function or timing. So, when we add filler cells, these don't get saved in verilog netlist (as only the cells in .lib are used for verilog netlist), but are saved in the def file.
There are 2 filler cell flow:
1. Normal filler cells: Here, filler cells are just poly.
addFiller -cell SPAREFILL1 SPAREFILL2 FILLER_DECAP_P6 -prefix FILLER_NORMAL => -prefix adds a prefix to all these cells so it's easy to identify this.
2. ECO filler cells: Here, filler cells are eco cells (gate array cells) which can be converted to any desired gate by just altering metal layers (they require extra CONT mask too). We fill with ECO filler cells and then with normal filler cells.
addFiller -cell FILLER5LL FILLER10LL FILLER15LL FILLER20LL FILLER25LL FILLER30LL FILLER40LL FILLER50LL FILLER55LL -prefix FILLER_ECO => ECO cells added first so that we can add as many of these cells. ECO cells width are multiple of X-grid, so there may be single grid gaps in design after placing ECO cells which can be filled by normal filler cells.
addFiller -cell SPAREFILL1LL SPAREFILL2LL SPAREFILL4LL SPAREMOSCAP3LL SPAREMOSCAP4LL SPAREMOSCAP8LL -prefix FILLER_NORMAL => normal cells added later so that any remaining space not filled by ECO cells will be filled with these normal filler cells.
#To see ECO filler cells only on the gui: do
selectInst *FILLER_ECO* => selects all filler eco on gui, to help us see if they are unifrmly placed.
#To find total num of FILLER cells used, goto Tools->DesignBrowser. On new window do find=Instance and then search for *FILLER_50* => This will show all filler which are FILLER50. Select all of them from list below (by using left mouse) and they will be highlighed on gui. We can also count the num of fillers this way to see how many of them are there for ECO purpose. Repeat for other filler cells. Filler cells are numbered sequentially for ECO fillers and NORMAL fillers, so easy to count them. These filler cells cannot be counted by using any script, as these filler cells don't exist in verilog netlist of enc database (enc.dat).
checkFiller => reports any gaps found inside the core area where there are no filler cells. shows up on gui on all such missing places. Make sure these gaps are OK
# Check and save design
checkPlace ./dbs/filler/check_place.rpt
checkDesign -all -noHtml -outfile ./dbs/filler/check_design_filler.rpt
saveDesign ./dbs/filler/filler.enc
Final Check => does final checks
# Start Clean
# Import post sta design
source ./dbs/filler/filler.enc
# Verify Connectivity/Geometry/Antenna
#verifyConnectivity => Detects conditions such as opens, unconnected wires (geometric antennas), unconnected pins, loops, partial routing, and unrouted nets; verify connectivity can also be chosen from Gui thru top panel: Verify-> Verify connectivity. Choose Net type to "all" to check all types of nets (regular/special) or "Regular only" to exclude special nets as PG nets (-noSoftPGConnect also disables checking of soft Power/Ground connects). -geomConnect uses geometric model instead of centerline model so that if the wires overlap at any point, they are considered to be connected, they do not have to connect at the center line. For check types, click appr box. Provide name/path for conn rpt.
verifyConnectivity -type all -error 1000 -warning 50 -report ./dbs/final_check/connectivity.rpt => checks for all net types, all nets and all default checks.
#verifyGeometry => checks for width, spacing, shorts, off routing/manufacturing grid, via enclosure, min cut, and internal geometry of objects and the wiring between them. Many options can be added on cmd line or using gui. -allowRoutingBlkgPinOverlap allow routing obstructions to overlap pins.
verifyGeometry -allowRoutingBlkgPinOverlap -report ./dbs/final_check/geomtry.rpt
#verifyProcessAntenna => Verifies process antenna effect (PAE) and maximum floating area violations. -pgnet checks tie-high and tie-low nets also for AE. -noIOPinDefault specifies that ANTENNAINPUTGATEAREA, ANTENNAINOUTDIFFAREA, ANTENNAOUTPUTDIFFAREA keywords from lef file are not applied to IO pins. These options can be chosen from GUI too.
verifyProcessAntenna -error 1000 -reportfile ./dbs/final_check/antenna.rpt -leffile ./dbs/antenna.lef
#check for max_cap/max_tran/max_fanout violations
reportTranViolation => reports transition vio on all nets (>4ns or limit specified in .lib file)
reportCapViolation => reports cap vio on all nets (>150ff or limit specified in .lib file)
#optional: additional checks
summaryReport -noHtml -outfile summaryReport.rpt -outdir ./dbs/final_check => reports stats for entire design.
Look in dbs/final_check/*.rpt for conn,ant,geom violations, and summaryReport.rpt for all other report. Also look in checkPlacement.rpt and checknetlist.rpt.
Export => exports design
Need to give .def file (for place and route info) and .v file (for running simulation on top level). Also, need to give spef file to digital simulation team (for cap,res, other extracted parameters to run gate level simulation with these parasitics back annotated).
SPEF: standard parasitic exchange format. part of "IEEE 1481-1998" std for IC delay and Power calculation system. Part of Open Verilog International's delay-calculation-system (DCS) standard. Based primarily on SPF (std parasitic format [includes DSPF and RSPF], useful in Spice sims), SPEF has extended capability and a smaller format. represents parasitic data of wires in a chip in ASCII format for parasistic parameter R (ohm), C (farad) and L(henry) for RC (or RLC) timing modeling. Used after layout to back-annotate timing for STA & simulation
SDF: standard delay format. while spef contains actual RLC values, these are annotated in STA tools (like PT) and wire delays calculated. These wire delays (from spef file) along with cell delays (from liberty files used during synthesis) are then put in sdf file (no info abt RC here), which can then be used by STA tools to generate timing. RC extraction tools generate spef file, while STA tools use this to generate SDF file.
#export native or /and QRC coupled min/max spef file (native is crude extractor using cap look up table, while QRC is assura extractor which solves maxwell's 3D).
NOTE: extractRC has been run many times previously, but we never generated spef files. So, we run it again to make sure we get clean extraction. All extract settings remain in effect unless overwritten here.
setExtractRCMode -effortLevel low => invokes native extractor
rcOut -rc_corner max_rc -spef ./dbs/final_files/digtop_native_max_coupled.spef
rcOut -rc_corner min_rc -spef ./dbs/final_files/digtop_native_min_coupled.spef
setExtractRCMode -reset
setExtractRCMode -engine postRoute
setExtractRCMode -effortLevel signoff => invokes highest accuracy qrc extractor
setExtractRCMode -coupled true => if set to false, coupling caps are lumped to gnd.
setExtractRCMode -lefTechFileMap ./scripts/qrc_layer_map.ccl
setExtractRCMode -capFilterMode relAndCoup
setDesignMode -process 150 => Based on process node specified (here it's 150nm), various coupling thresholds are chosen.
rcOut -rc_corner max_rc -spef ./dbs/final_files/digtop_qrc_max_coupled.spef
#delayCal -sdf ../output/digtop_max.sdf => to gen max sdf from QRC extractor
rcOut -rc_corner min_rc -spef ./dbs/final_files/digtop_qrc_min_coupled.spef
#delayCal -sdf ../output/digtop_min.sdf => to gen min sdf from QRC extractor
# Export DEF
set dbgDefOutLefVias 1 => This ensures that all Vias (std, custome or using viarule) will be defined in def file itself. Vias are represented by patterns, so there is no problem of whether matching vias exist in pdk or not, when importing these into icfb. This is important, else these will be vias referencing other vias/via-rule which may not be present in pdk, causing import errors.
set dbgLefDefOutVersion 5.5 => If Def is set to 5.6 or 5.7, then viarule is still present in def file. If matching viarule is not there in pdk, then def import into icfb will cause errors. So, use def 5.5 to avoid this issue.
defOut -floorplan -netlist -routing ./dbs/final_files/digtop_final_route.def
# Export Netlist
#saveNetlist digtop_final.v -includePhysicalCell {SPAREFILL1 SPAREFILL2 SPAREMOSCAP4 FILLER5} -excludeLeafCell -includePowerGround => This creates netlist which has VDD/VSS ports on all stdcells and module, and includes all physical cells specified (If no physical cells specified, then all filler cells included). netlist will have additional lines like "FILLER5 FILLER_INST_24 ();". Tool figures out physical cells based on "addFiller" cmd used previously, as there's no special property in Filler cells lef file to identify them as filler cells. "-excludeLeafCell" excludes leaf cell defn (i.e defn of AN210 etc) to be written to netlist
saveNetlist ./dbs/final_files/digtop_final_route.v => doesn't have VDD/VSS ports, nor any physical cells in it.
NOTE: final netlist above (netlist: digtop_final_route.v) has the format shown below.
1. First all modules in RTL are defined in terms of gate level components (structural netlist) with the same module name as in RTL. If the same module is called 4 times, then there will be 4 defn of this RTL module with 4 different names. This unifiqation is done, so that separate optimization can be done on each instance of such module.
Ex: module module_name (i/o port defn) ... endmodule.
Note if scan test ports were added during dft step in synthesis, then the module is renamed as module_name_test_1
2. Then all such modules are instantiated in the top level module "digtop"(see bullet 5). The instance name is kept same as the defn name. However for modules with *_test_1 defn name, test_1 is dropped and RTL name is kept for instance names. signal_name to connect module_defn_pin_name are kept the same as in RTL as much as possible.
Ex: module_defn_name module_instance_name (.module_defn_pin_name(signal_name), ...)
3. For instances where dft was added, 3 new pins are added => test_si, test_so and test_se. For multiple test chains, we may see more than 1 si/so. i.e test_si1, test_si2, .. and test_so1, test_so2, ...etc. test_si connects to first scannable flop's SD pin, test_se connects to all scannable flop's S pin, Q pin of this flop connects to SD pin of next flop and so on forming a scan chain, and the final o/p pin is test_so pin which is just a buffered version of Q o/p pin of the last flop. Note there may be logic b/w Q o/p pin of the last flop and the PO pin of block, but scan chain connects just the o/p of flop to SD i/p of next flop.
4. a module spares is also there, which has all spare cells in it. spare modules don't have any i/o ports. If there were multiple spares then there would be multiple spares def as module spares_1 (..) endmodule, module spares_2 (...) endmodule, etc. Pins of spare gates are tied to 0/1. These 0/1 come from Tieoff gates (TO*) in spare module, which provide a zero o/p and one o/p. Sometimes o/p of these tieoff cells are buffered inside the module to provide signal to other cells, while other times different spare gates (inv,nd2,etc) are tied to different 0/1 from different TO* gates. NOTE: spare cells inside spare cell module have o/p pins omitted in their instantiation. Reason might be to avoid having floating o/p nets as the o/p pins of spare cells are not used anyway.
5. Top module "digtop" is defined at the end. It has buffers for i/p signals (BU*), for clk signals (CTB*), for o/p signals (BU*), tieOff (TO*). It instantiates all the other modules defined in module defn. Top level module has extra scan pins added: sdata_in and sdata_out.
# Export Gds (Do: source ./dbs/filler/filler.enc after opening encounter, before you do streamOut. Then filler.enc db is used for gds)
streamOut ./dbs/final_files/digtop_final_route.gdsii => Creates a GDSII Stream file version of the current database. By default, the Encounter software creates a Version 3 GDSII file.
#-libName <libname> Specifies the library to convert to GDSII format. Default: Name is DesignLib.
#Note: we can also use Gui: file->Save->GDS/OASIS
Report specific timing paths to match b/w PT/ETS and Encounter:
set_analysis_view -setup {func_max} -hold {func_min} => change analysis view if you need timing only for other view.
setAnalysisMode -checkType hold => default checktype is setup.
report_timing -check_type hold -from u_DIG/flop1_r_reg -to u_dsp/sync1_reg -path_type full_clock => shows detailed clock path too.
OA design exchange process:
Instead of using defin for design exchange, we can directly write an OA database. In conventional flow, we take in floorplan def (pins def) and generate DEF or GDS. We use abstract LEF file for stdcells. In OA flow, we take in floorplan OA db directly and generate OA db. We use abstract OA db for stdcells. Abstract OA db doesn't have physical layout, just an abstract view. Steps:
1. Use encounter 9.1 or later. Add these to scipts/import.conf file in vdio dir(/db/NOZOMI_NEXT_OA/design1p0/HDL/Autoroute/digtop/vdio) :
A. set rda_Input(ui_oa_oa2lefversion) {5.6}
B. set rda_Input(ui_oa_reflib) "pml30_lbc8_2pin lbc8" => provide name of stdcell and tech lib
C. set rda_Input(ui_oa_abstractname) {abstract}
D. set rda_Input(ui_oa_layoutname) {layout}
2. For importing floorplan: In VDI gui, goto File->Load->OA Cellview. Provide library=HAYATE_dig1p0, cell=digtop, view=layout (or on cmd line: oaIn HAYATE_dig1p0 digtop layout). Not needed for our purpose, since we don't do floorplan import.
3. After going thru the flow, and running export_final.tcl, we are ready for OA db creation. In VDI gui, goto File->Save Design. choose data type=OA, library=HAYATE_dig1p0, cell=digtop, view=layout (or on cmd line: saveOaDesign HAYATE_dig1p0 digtop layout).
This creates a OA db in vdio dir. Where ever we are trying to save OA db, we need to have cds.lib file which needs to have these 5 lines:
SOFTINCLUDE $CIC_HOME/tools/dfII/local/cds.lib
DEFINE lbc8 /data/pdkoa/lbc8/2011.12.15/cdk/lbc8
DEFINE pml30_lbc8_2pin /data/pdkoa/lbc8/mcache/diglib/pml30/DIGLIB-PML30-RELEASE-r2.5.1_2_f/pml30_lbc8_2pin
DEFINE avTech /apps/artisan_cds/assura/3.2_EHF2_OA/tools/assura/etc/avtech/avTech
In vdio dir, OA db is created under HAYATE_dig1p0 dir, which has "digtop" subdir, and tech.db files. "digtop" dir has "layout" dir which has layout.oa file, master.tag, digtop.conf and multiple other files. Make sure, digtop.conf file has same parameters as import.conf file. This dir structure is exactly the same as in "/db/NOZOMI_NEXT_OA/cds/HAYATE_dig1p0" which has digtop subdir, and tech.db files along with other subdir for schematic modules. "digtop" dir has "layout" dir (along with schematic and symbol dir) which has layout.oa file and master.tag in layout dir.
4. Now, we need to import this data in virtuoso. open icfb where we saved the OA library (/db/NOZOMI_NEXT_OA/design1p0/HDL/Autoroute/digtop/vdio). In lib mgr, we should see our "HAYATE_dig1p0" lib. Open digtop layout. We see that design is saved as OA abstract view, so we need to save it as layout view. To do that goto Tools-> Remaster Instances. Leave library and cell name empty. enter "search for" viewname as "abstract" and "update to" viewname as "layout". click OK, and the physical layout appears. Now, we can add pin labels the way we do it normally, and then save the design.
NOTE: this whole process is only for layout transfer (subtitute for Def import). We still have to do schematic/symbol transfer using Verilog import, exactly the way we used to do it normally. So, OA db process only saves us time of DefIn.
#Mask formats: (all these formats are hier formats). Files easily over 100GB in size. OPC done on gdsii and oasis files and 90% of mask data files are manipulated and refractured, and inspected before going into actual mask.
GDSII (graphics database system 2): Now owned by Cadence. It's used for exchange of IC layout data and also given to Fab for IC fabrication. It consists of different layer patterns and shows all the different layer, with each layer number as layer 1, layer 2, etc. It doesn't know which layer is what as it's just showing patterns. In order to map these layers numbers to actual layers names in pdk, we need layer map file. This layer map file is pdk dir. For 1533eo35, it's in: /db/pdk/1533e035/current/cdk446/current/doc/ This has cds Layer name mapped to a gds layer number. For ex: layer 1 is mapped to NWELL, layer 2 to ACTIVE, etc. k2_viewer from cadence can be used to view gds files. see in cadence_virtuoso.txt for generating gds from layout.
OASIS (Open Artwork system Interchange standard for Photomasks) format: successor to GDSII. Owned by trade and std org SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International). Open std format to rep physical and mask layout data. It reduces the size of files by 10x. OASIS.MASK further reduces it by half. It allows the same datafile to be used for pattern generation, metrology and inspection.
MEBES format: Design layout files, in the form of either GDSII or Oasis data formats, are transferred to Mebes format for transmission to photomask shops. Mebes is a proprietary mask data format from Applied Materials Inc. It is regarded as the de facto industry standard for exchanging fractured photomask data. commonly used format for electron beam lithography and photomask production tools. Inspection tools inspect these files and perform MRC (manufacturing rule check) which is DRC-like check on post fractured data. Mebes files are generally much more data-heavy than either GDSII or Oasis formats because of the addition of resolution enhancement technique (RET) features and the need to provide essentially flat data--with a very limited amount of hierarchy--to e-beam photomask pattern generation tools.
LAFF format: seems like it's internal TI format. Look in eco.txt for more details.
Done with all required steps. do si_check (for signal integrity, if needed) and si_signoff for final signoff checks.
Encounter Warnings and errors:
A. reading .lib files during reading config file:
Reading max timing library '/db/pdk/lbc8/rev1/diglib/pml30/r2.5.0/synopsys/src/PML30_W_150_1.65_CORE.lib' ...
*WARN: (TECHLIB-436): Attribute 'fanout_load' on output/inout pin 'CO' of cell 'AD210' is not defined in the library. Either define this value in the library or use set_default_timing_library to pick these values from a default library.
Reason: fanout_load not present. deafult is set to 1.
B. On running verifyGeometry or during nanoRoute:
verifyGeometry: *WARN: (ENCVFG-47): Pin of Cell mldd_env_thrsh_out_4_I_buf at (15.300, 1062.300), (32.300, 1066.100) on Layer MET1 is not connected to any net.
NanoRoute: #WARNING (NRDB-1005) Can not establish connection to PIN S at (558.900 206.100) on METAL1 for NET net1. The NET is considered partially routed.
These warnings say that a pin is connected to some wire. Usually, after issuing these warnings globalDetailRoute will complete the connection of the previously partially connected nets. As a summary, this warning shows that there might be some issue (mentioned above) but if the issue in the design is not real then globalDetailRoute will complete the connection of these partially connected nets. When we get it during verifyGeometry, check that location to make sure it's connected properly. Most of the time, it throws this warning for VDD/VSS pin of some cells.
Ex: during optDesign we see these warnings, optDesign is free to move fixed instances around placement. But, fixed clock wires connected to their pins cannot be moved at this stage. That is the reason some pins are not connected due to instance movement by optDesign and resulting in this warning. Also, if driver driving o/p port is moved, then since port can't move, it results in this warning being issued. Nanoroute will try to fix it by adding extra routing during later stage.
For debugging it to see if the issue is real or is just a warning while doing nanoRoute, some verification can be performed as below :
1. checkPlace -checkpinAccess
2. verifyConnectivity
3. grid check (Sometimes the pins are not properly on grid)
4. Proper Layout connection.
C. **WARN: (ENCDB-2136):For instance 'IShootCtrl/g22236', its Input term 'A' does not connect to a 'TieLo' net. It is floating.
This happens when i/p pins get connected to 1'b1 or 1'b0. Router doesn't know what to connect it to, since they may be connected to one of the pwr grids or to tieoff cell o/p. This usually happens in 2 scenarios:
1. when an existing cell becomes a spare cell, because the i/p to that cell got connected to something else. In such case, i/p pin of this cell has no connection and hence tool connects it to 1'b1 or 1'b0.
2. Other scenario that it happens is when an existing cell o/p was driving i/p of some other cell, but then the eco change caused that cell to be used as a spare cell. So, now the i/p and o/p of that existing cell has diiferent connections. So, o/p of this existing cell can't be used to drive i/p of that other cell. So, tools connects it to 1'b1 or 1'b0.
Detailed soln at this link:!ut/p/a1/nY9NDoIwEEbPwgFMp1AoLOtPQGggKkbKxkBsTCMUguDC0wvGxJWaOLuZvHkzH8pRhnJd3NS56FWji2rqc-e4xiuCgwRC32MLYEA34T7CZkTtERAjAB-Kwa_9A8qfyBeDGE_Qt8Pl3APmR842oKkFCUV73XT1-Oxucp2kbLnSFyT6bpDT5NpUwxQnHupSdkhgTDwbU_IS28GSQAg4TOYmBRakxCcxx5CYf4vbOoOZqF3LVuWdGcYDE0SB8g!!/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/
we need to use this flow to fix the issue:
A. NON ECO design: Do it after placement as it's easy to add cells:
1. restoreDesign
2. placeDesign # Run placement before inserting tie high/low cells
3. setTieHiLoMode -cell {TIEHI TIELO} # Specify tie high/low cells to use
4. addTieHiLo # Insert the tie high/low cells. We need to add these cells as they are removed during placement in step 2 above. Appr Tiehi/Tielo cells will b inserted in every module that needs it and 1'b1 and 1'b0 will be connected to these.
B. ECO design (all layer): Add Tiehi/Tielo cells and then do eco Place/Route:
1. addTieHiLo -cell "TIEHI TIELO"
2. ecoPlace
3. ecoRoute
C. ECO design (metal only): If the TIELHI/TIELO cells were already present in the netlist, route them using NanoRoute.
1. selectNet <tielo_signal_o/p_from_tieoff_cell>
2. setNanoRouteMode -routeSelectedNetOnly true
3. detailRoute -select
D. If routing tiehi/tielo signals to the pin doesn't work, we can just connect any of the other pins to the floating pin. that way there's no extra routing (as pins are close together, so most of the times little bit of MET1 routing inside stdcell will suffice). This usually works for spare cells (or cells whose o/p is not used for functional purpose, so tying i/p pin to any signal will work). Steps to do this are as follows:
1. attachTerm IShootCtrl/g21 B1 IShootCtrl/n513 => connect pin B1 of gate g21 to net n513 (which is connected to pin B2 of g21). This only connects logically, physical connection will be done later
2. ecoRoute => actual routing done. ecoRoute cmd used to minimize any routing changes.
Run below cmds on any final design to make sure there are no 1'b1 or 1'b0 in netlist:
To ensure that all your tiehi/lo connections have tie cells (and are not connected to a rail instead), run the following dbGet commands:
dbGet top.insts.instTerms.isTieHi 1
dbGet top.insts.instTerms.isTieLo 1
The previous commands should return "0x0" if all connections have tie cells. If "1"s are returned, use the following commands to find the terms that still need a tie cell:
dbGet [dbGet -p top.insts.instTerms.isTieHi 1].name
dbGet [dbGet -p top.insts.instTerms.isTieLo 1].name