USA Passport
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- Last Updated: Thursday, 17 December 2020 04:32
- Published: Sunday, 04 October 2020 21:07
- Hits: 1925
US Passport:
If you are a US citizen, you are eligible for a US passport. You are a US citizen if you were born here, or if got naturalized here (meaning you applied for US citizenship and got one).
US Passport website: Below is official website, which provides more info on applying
Apply for a Passport:
Passport in USA can either be done by mail or in person by going to a USPS post office. There are few instances where you can apply by mail, instead of in-person at a post office.If you are just renewing the passport and are an adult (over 16 years), then you can skip the post office visit and apply via mail. Unfortunately for most of us, a post office visit is required.
Adults (over 16): Your passport is issued for a term of 10 years from the date your passport is processed. Your passport can be renewed by mail, but if you applying for the first time, then you have to apply in person at the passport office.
Minors (below 16): Your passport is issued for a term of 5 years only and can only be renewed in person at the post office.
USPS: Before you apply for a passport, you will need to schedule an appointment with USPS, where you will hand over your application and required fees to the clerk. You will need to go to the below USPS appointment link, and schedule an appointment. You can schedule an appointment at any location in USA.
Once you have gotten a confirmation email from USPS for an appointment, follow these steps:
1. Form: Fill up form DS-11. This will take a couple of minutes. Fill up the form online (choose the filler link, since that allows you to fill online and then generate a pdf for you). You then print page 5 and page 6 of this pdf file (you don't need to print other pages). Print the 2 pages on 2 sheets (i.e do NOT print duplex). Pages 1-4 of this form lists all the other details regarding passport application, so read thru it.
2. Evidence: To apply for a passport, you need to be a US citizen, and you need to show proof of a US citizenship. US citizenship is attained 2 ways:
- Birth: by being born in USA (irrespective of your parent's nationality, you are a US citizen, if you are born in USA).
- Naturalization: by applying for a US citizenship (see other section on how to acquire citizenship in USA)
Best way to show US citizenship is via birth certificate (if you were born in USA) or via citizenship certificate (the one that was given to you at the naturalization ceremony). If you are renewing the passport, then your current US passport (expired or not) can be used as evidence. You need to get a black and white photocopy of the evidence (which you will submit with application). The original document will be returned to you once it's verified by the USPS clerk. NOTE: if yo are nenewing the passport, then the old passport will also be taken for processing (It will not be returned back to you by the USPS staff. It will come to you in mail)
There is separate set for requirements for minors and adults.
- Adults (born or naturalized):
- Proof of citizenship: Bring original birth certificate or citizenship certificate (if you weren't born here) or current US passport, along with a black and white photocopy of that document.
- Proof of identity: Original Citizenship certificate, current US passport or driver's License can be used as identity proof. Bring a a black and white photocopy of that document. If you are using the same document (Birth certificate or US passport) for both as proof of citizenship and proof of identity, then just photo copy suffices.
- Minors (born in USA):
- Proof of citizenship: Bring original birth certificate (current US passport won't suffice), along with a black and white photocopy of that document.
- Presence of parents: Both parents need to be physically present with the minor at the postal office.
- Proof of identity: Both parents need to bring their original driver's license or passport (US or non-US, doesn't matter). Driver's license is preferred since it's just easy to carry. Both of the parents need to also submit a photocopy of their driver's license. Birth certificate of minor has the name of parents, so the USPS person will check and make sure that the parent's name match with what's in the birth certificate.
3. Photo: You need a passport size photo to go with the application. You can get passport size photo printed at USPS location (where you have your appointment scheduled), but these are expensive. See my link on "Passport photo" section on how to get passport size printed for 10 cents or less. Make sure that passport size has strict "white" background, or else the central passport office will keep rejecting your photos (even though the post office may accept it)
4. Payment: We are applying for a passport book (passport card is not needed). We are not going to use expedited service unless there's an emergency (since it costs extra). It will cost $110+$35=$145 for an adult passport while $80+$35=$115 for a minor passport. You can pay the application fee ($80 or $110) + execution fee ($35) at the post office using a credit card (use credit card so that you can get some cashback. It doesn't cost any extra to pay using a credit card). Some post offices may refuse to take credit card for application fee and/or execution fee, so have a personal check book handy. If you don't have a check book, they will force you to buy a money order to pay the fees, which will cost you extra.
Once the clerk at USPS has taken your application and documents, you just sit back and wait for the passport to come in mail. They will send you an email about the status when it's processed and mailed. You will get your new passport by mail. If you had also sent your old passport too (if renewing), then the old passport will come in a separate mail a few days later. So, don't panic if you don't see your old passport in the first mail. It is on it's way, just a little slower. You can also track the progress on above govt website. They say 10-12 weeks for regular processing, but all my passports have come much sooner than that.Make a colored photocopy of your US passport, and keep it in some other safe place (preferably at your work just as a backup).
Once you get your US passport, you are eligible to travel to a lot of countries without any visa (unfortunately India is not in that list). So make good use of the US passport