DIY: Septic system

DIY: Septic system

Even though the title says DIY, it's not that you build it yourself. Septic systems are built by the builder, by subcontracting to some septic company. But the repairs of septic system are very expensive since it's a messy job. So, we'll try to do the repairs ourselves, and also do the maintenance so we don't have expensive repairs down the road. See the section on "utilities". Septic systems are only needed for houses that don't have waste water services provided by the city. The community I've in need septic system to be installed.


Septic System Installation:

Here are 4 videos going thru the installation of Septic system for a new house:

Part 1: SIMPLE DIY Grey Water System | Septic System Install | Part 1 =>

Part 2: Unusual WAY to Dig for a Septic Tank | Septic System Install | Part 2 =>

Part 3: How to INSTALL Your OWN Septic Tank | Septic System Install | Part 3 =>

Part 4: LEACH Field Installed | Septic System Install | part 4 =>





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