Diet and Supplements

Diet and Supplements

There are lots of things that we need in our diet to fulfill our body's nutritional requirement. First there are are amino acids, then Vitamins, minerals, etc. Let's look at some of these.


Proteins are needed for body to build muscles. Proteins is in larger amount in meat products, but not so much in plant based products. So, for vegetarians, the big source of Proteins comes from dairy based products as milk, yogurt, cheese. For vegans, even dairy products are off the menu, so they have even limited things to fulfill their protein requirement.  It's also in lentils, beans, tofu etc for vegetarian and vegans out there. However, our body needs 0.36 g of protein per lb of weight or 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight. Most people around 60 kg of weight need 45g-50g of protein per day. Basically every year you need to consume about 18Kg of Protein, which is 25% of your body weight. This is huge amount of protein !!

I'm listing below Protein products for a vegetarian diet:

Protein based supplements:

  • Breakfast: Get 2 bread slices (each 5g of protein) with peanut butter on it (5 g of protein for 1 tablespoon). Drink a glass of milk (another 8g of protein in one glass) with Protein powder (1 scoop is around 10g of protein) in it. Do take 10 nuts which give you about 5g of protein. This will will give you around 30g-35g of protein in the morning meal.
  • Lunch/Dinner: For a vegetarian diet, I don't count too much on protein intake in home made curries, roti



Calcium is needed for bone development, and 1.2g per day is the recommended amount. Basically you need to consume 1/2 KG of calcium every year, which is a lot of calcium.



Vitamin B12: Very essential