- Details
- Last Updated: Saturday, 07 October 2023 18:23
- Published: Sunday, 13 September 2020 05:38
- Hits: 2208
This useless website has all the crap that you ever wanted to search for. If there's any crap that's missing here, or more crap that you want to see, then email me at maaldaar dot support at gmail dot com. You get the idea - use the website name followed by a word "support" (dot is optional), and it's a gmail email id.
This website is hosted on a cheap webserver (hostinger), with very good service (I'm paying about $3/month as of 2023. It was $1/month until 2022). It's running Joomla which is the open source content management software. You will find articles and more details about hosting providers and various content management software on this site in "Internet" section.
This website originated to solve my own problems of keeping track of a lot of things that I come across. I'm bad at remembering things (I mean very bad !!), and with the vast quantity of material having a short life span, I soon realized the need to put it somewhere for my own reference. Also, when learning new things, it's hard to know what are all the things that you should learn and retain, and what to throw away. On this site, I've tried to include things that I think are good basic start and will serve you well in life, no matter what discipline you belong it. Of course being an engineer, my topics are biased towards electrical/computer engineering. Nonetheless, it's all crap, but the hope is that this much crap should suffice for our measly life. If you find topics that are missing from here or need more details or find errors (which there are plenty, unfortunately), leave me a note. There's no limit to what kind of content this website will have. So, no topic is off limit, except "those" topics if you know what I mean
The menu on left lists all categories and sub-categories. I've kept the depth to 4 or less, so that you can get to the required article in 4 or less clicks. Assuming I'm able to get at most 10 articles at each depth, a depth of 4 would allow me to have 10^4=10K articles which is more than what I can write in my entire life.
This website doesn't have any advertisements yet (as if advertisers are really lined up to put ads on this site). Most of the hits that you see on the articles are just "bots" visiting my site. I haven't made any comments section for any article. I had a bad experience with spammers and bots, where they took over the comment section with tens of thousands of comments per day. I'll start comment section, once I find a good open source comment module, which can protect me (and my site) from these nasty spammers. Until then, use the email addr above to contact me.
Now to the most important question: Why the name MAALDAAR for this website? Simple, that was the first domain I found available which was 8 characters or less with a .com extension. It's certainly a weird name for a website. It could have been Baaldaar, crapsite or anything random you could think of. As Shakespeare said, "What's in a name?" I think it was Shakespeare, but who cares - whoever said it didn't believe in the importance of a name anyway. Shakespeare didn't live in modern "brand" age. Today, a brand name attached to a crap can make it the hottest item pursued by humanity, so everything is in the NAME !!
In putting my concluding remarks, I hope we end up saving some money and gaining some knowledge - both the steps to being maaldaar (i.e getting wealthier). To quote a dialogue by "Johnny Lever" from a Bollywood movie "Kala Bazaar" ----> "Aadmi jitna ganja hota hai, utna hi maaldaar hota hai". For Hindi handicapped people, the translation is "The balder a man is, The richer he is". Even if you believe in it, please do not become "bald"-aar to be maaldaar . We got other ways to be that on this site !!