Gasoline / Oil deals
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- Last Updated: Tuesday, 04 March 2025 15:02
- Published: Wednesday, 05 October 2022 20:55
- Hits: 1223
You can almost always get 5% in rewards for gas by using a credit card that allows that. You don't have to buy a dedicated Gas credit card for that (sold by the Brands as Exxon, Chevron, etc). Your regular Chase, Discover, etc cards give you 5% during some of the quarters, while crads like Amex, Bank of America will have offers from time to time for 5% to 10% off.
Tmobile Tuesday gives you 10 cents off every week for buying gas from Shell. The offer comes every Tuesday. You don't need to be a Tmobile customer to get that discount. But you do need their "Tmobile Tuesday" app on the phone.
MAny grovery stores have rewards program where they allow you to take $1 off per gallon, when you rack up enough points buying stuff from their stores. Kroger is the most generous one here. They give you 4X points on many gift card purchases almost every month. You need 1000 points per month to get $1 off per gallon. Ths discount applies to first 35 gallons of gasoline only.
Load up on gasoline at that time. There are jerry containers that you can buy from ebay to store gasoline as reserve in your garage. Your car may take 10-15 gallons of gas, and remaining may be filled up in these tanks. These tanks used to sell for $20 in 2017, but as of 2022, I see them listed for $40 (almost double the price). May be time to look into other containers at walmart which may go on sale from time to time.
- Here's an ebay link to buy Jerry tanks: => $40
UPDATE: June, 2023: => These Jerry cand are again going for $25, much more reasonable than $40 in 2022.
Oil is expensive. Your car needs 5-7quart of oil for 1 oil change in your car. You should only need 1 oil change per year with newer vehicles that use synthetic oil. Cheapest oils go for $3/quart. You can almost always find Oil on sale. Look below in deals section.
Exxon Mobil and Pennzoil are two reputed brands. They both give you mail in rebate offers couple of times a year, where you can get synthetic oil for $1/quart or less. You have to buy it from one the retailers listed (amazon is NOT on the list, but a lot of other auto store chains including Walmart are listed there). I would suggest buying it from Walmart, as most of the times the cheapest price is at Walmart, especially when they go on sale. Your car probably needs 4 to 7 quart of oil, so cost of oil for your oil change is about $5 or so. Buying 2 of these 5 quart jugs will be enough to survive your car for a year. You may buy more and keep it stored too, as they don't go bad
The links for offer and rebates are usually on their websites: => Mobil 1 link for all promotions => Pennzoil link for all promotions
03/01/2025: Pennzoil Oil Rebate: $30 rebate for 10 quart synthetic oil => Runs from Feb 27, 2025 - August 31, 2025
Same as last few years, except that rebate is lower this year. Only "Ultra Platinum" qualifies for $30 rebate. "Platinum" only qualifies for $20 while all others qualify for $10. So, worse rebate than last year. Rebate is in form of Mastercard GC.
Limit is 1 per household. Lots of eligible retailers. Price at Walmart for 0W-20, 5W-20, and some other synthetic oil is $24 for 5 qt. So, $$50-$20=$30 for 10 quartz. However, (or buy online and pick up in store)and don't qualify. Best to buy it in store at walmart, and submit the receipt.
02/01/2024: Pennzoil Oil Rebate: $25 rebate for 10 quart synthetic oil => Runs from Feb 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024
Direct link to rebate site:
Limit is 1 per household. Lots of eligible retailers. Price at Walmart for 0W-20, 5W-20, and some other synthetic oil is $24 for 5 qt. So, $$50-$25=$25 for 10 quartz. However, (or buy online and pick up in store) doesn't qualify, change of terms since last year. Best to buy it in store at walmart, and submit the receipt.
06/01/2023: Mobil1 Oil Rebate: $6 to $10 per 5 quart oil, Limit 2 per household. Available at multiple stores for various prices => Runs from 3 months from 06/01/2022 to 08/31/2022
Direct link to rebate site (you need to have an account):
Limit is 2 per household for a max of $20. Rebate is inferior from last few times, as synthetic oil only has max $12 rebate, unless you buy the more expensive one, which has a $20 rebate.No brainer to gowith Pennzoil oil rebate.
03/01/2023: Pennzoil Oil Rebate: $20 reabte for 10 quart synthetic oil => Runs from March 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023
Direct link to rebate site:
The prices at walmart for 5W-20 synthetic is $30. Buying 2 will cost $60. With $20 rebate, it's only $40. So, in total 10 quart for $40 sounds too expensive, as these were closer to $1/quart for last few years. So, pretty much a regular price from 2022 and before. Would wait towards the end of this promotion, to see if any deals pop up at Walmart or any of these Auto shop stores. Limit is 1 per household.
UPDATE 06/07/2023: Price at Walmart for 0W-20, 5W-20, and some other synthetic oil is $24 for 5 qt. So, $12 cheaper now. However, (or buy online and pick up in store) doesn't qualify, change of terms since last month. Best to but it in store at walmart, nd submit the receipt.
10/06/2022: Pennzoil Oil Rebate: $25 reabte for 10 quart synthetic oil. Available at walmart at $20 for 12 quart => Runs from February 15, 2022 - October 31, 2022
Direct link to rebate site:
The prices at walmart for 5W-20 synthetic is $22 for 2 jugs of pennzoil totalling 6 quart (5 quart + free 1 quart). This is on sale, so you get 12 quart for $45. After $25 rebate, it's around $20 for 12 quart which is about $1.60 per quart. That's a good price. Different oil 0W-20, 5W-30 etc are at different prices, so you may wait for better prices. Make sure 5W-20 is compatible with your car before you buy this deal.
UPDATE 10/12/22: Walmart price for 5W-20 oil has gone up to $35 per 6 quart, so not worth buying any more. It will cost $35*2-$25=$45 for 12 quart, which is pretty much a regular price even without rebate.
10/05/2022: Chevron/Texaco Rewards signup - $1 off per gallon on upto 25 gallons:
Chevron/Texaco is offering $1 off on up to 25 gallons. Your car may take only 10-15 gallons, so either bring 2 cars or bring extra Jerry cans to get to 25 gallons. It's free money.
UPDATE: Looks like it's only showing a very small number of chevron/Texaco stations participating in this promo. There's no store participating in Texas.
07/01/2022: Exxon Mobil Oil Rebate: $5 to $10 per 5 quart oil, Limit 2 per household. Available at multiple stores for various prices => Runs from 3 months from 07/01/2022 to 09/30/2022
Direct link to rebate site (you need to have an account):
Limit is 2 per household for a max of $20. Different oil 0W-20, 5W-30 etc are at different prices, so you may wait for better prices. Buy Extended Performance as that has the $10 rebate, and will cost you the least. Advance Auto Parts (AAP) has separate $15 rebate promo going on, so may combine that with this. However, AAP prices are usually much higher.
08/06/2021: Exxon Mobil Oil Rebate: $5 to $15 per 5 quart oil, Limit 2 per household. Available at walmart for various prices => Runs from 6 months from 04/01/2021 to 09/30/2021
Direct link to rebate form:
Limit is 2 per household. Different oil 0W-20, 5W-30 etc are at different prices, so you may wait for better prices. Buy Extended Performance as that has the $15 rebate, and will cost you the least.