Physical Exercises

Physical Exercises:

Apart from a healthy and balanced diet, you also need to keep your body active. We are not looking for 6 abs, just enough activity to keep ourselves healthy. Below are some easy and effective exercises:

  • Running: Running is the best and the easiet exercise that can be done anytime, anywhere and doesn't require any equipment. We should tr to run at least 1km every day, which should take about 4-5 minutes. This gets you warmed up so that you may continue to do other exercises.



You probably already know what Yoga is. You have seen those esoteric poses and breathing and concentrating. Yoga aims to integrate mind, body and spirit. Yoga is a sort of mental and physical exercise. What I'm going to discuss below are some poses or asanas that are very powerful and very good for your physical and mental well being. These are also exercises, but are lower activity.

Asanas: Asanas are postures that