design compiler
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- Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 September 2018 05:16
- Published: Wednesday, 26 September 2018 05:16
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Difference in DC(design compiler) vs EDI(encounter digital implementation): ----------------------- 1. many of the cmds work on both DC and EDI. Biggest difference is in the way they show o/p. in all the cmds below, if we use tcl set command to set a variable to o/p of any of these cmds, then in DC it contains the actual object while in EDI, it contains a pointer and not the actual object. We have to do a query_objects in EDI to print the object. DC prints the object by using list. 2. Unix cmds don't work directly in EDI, while they do in DC. So, for EDI, we need to have "exec" tcl cmd before the linux cmd, so that it's interpreted by tcl interpreter within EDI. 3. Many new tcl cmd like "lassign", etc don't work in EDI. 4. NOTE: a script written for EDI will always work for DC as it's written as pure tcl cmds. Design compiler: --------------------- Register inference: ( ------- On doing elaborate on a RTL, HDL compiler (PRESTO HDLC for DC) reads in a Verilog or VHDL RTL description of the design, and translates the design into a technology-independent representation (GTECH). During this, all "always @" stmt are looked at for each module. Mem devices are inferred for flops/latches and "case" stmt are analyzed. After that, top level module is linked, all multiple instances are uniqified (so that each instance has unique module defn), clk-gating/scan and other user supplied directives are looked at. Then pass 1 mapping and then opt are done. unused reg, unused ports, unused modules are removed. #logic level opt: works on opt GTECH netlist. consists of 2 processes: A. structuring: subfunctions that can be factored out are optimized. Also, intermediate logic structure and variables are added to design B. Flattening: comb logic paths are converted to 2 level SOP, and all intermediate logic structure and variables are removed. This generic netlist has following cells: 1. SEQGEN cells for all flops/latches (i/p=clear, preset, clocked_on, data_in, enable, synch_clear, synch_preset, synch_toggle, synch_enable, o/p= next_state, Q) 2A. ADD_UNS_OP for all unsigned adders/counters comb logic(i/p=A,B, o/p=Z). these can be any bit adders/counters. DC breaks large bit adders/counters into small bit (i.e 8 bit counter may be broken into 2 counters: 6 bit and 2 bit). Note that flops are still implemented as SEQGEN. Only the combinatorial logic of this counter/adder (i.e a+b or a+1) is impl as ADD_UNS_OP, o/p of which feeds into flops. 2B. MULT_UNS_OP for unsigned multiplier/adder? 2C. EQ_UNS_OP for checking unsigned equality b/w two set of bits, GEQ_UNS_OP for greater than or equal (i/p=A,B, o/p=Z). i/p may be any no. of bits but o/p is 1 bit. 3. SELECT_OP for Muxes (i/p=data1, data2, ..., datax, control1, control2, ..., controlx, o/p=Z). May be any no. of i/p,o/p. 4. GTECH_NOT(A,Z), GTECH_BUF, GTECH_TBUF, GTECH_AND2/3/4/5/8(A,B,C,..,Z), GTECH_NAND2/3/4/5/8, GTECH_OR2/3/4/5/8, GTECH_NOR2/3/4/5/8, GTECH_XOR2/3/4, GTECH_XNOR2/3/4, GTECH_MUX*, GTECH_OAI/AOI/OA/AO, GTECH_ADD_AB(Half adder: A,B,S,COUT), GTECH_ADD_ABC(Full adder: A,B,C,S,COUT), GTECH_FD*(D FF with clr/set/scan), GTECH_FJK*(JK FF with clr/set/scan), GTECH_LD*(D Latch with clr), GTECH_LSR0(SR latch), GTECH_ISO*(isolation cells), GTECH_ONE/ZERO, for various cells. DesignWare IP (from synopsys) use these cells in their implementation. NOTE: in DC gtech netlist, we commonly see GTECH gates as NOT, BUF, AND, OR, etc. Flops, latches, adders, mux, etc are rep as cells shown in bullets 1-4 above. 5. All directly instantiated lib components in RTL. 6. If we have designware license, then we also see designware elemnets in netlist. All designware are rep as DW*. For ex: DW adder is DW01_add (n bit width, where n can be passed as defparam or #). Maybe *_UNS_OP above are designware elements. #gate level opt: works on the generic netlist created by logic level opt to produce a technology-specific netlist. consists of 4 processes: A. mapping: maps gates from tech lib to gtech netlist. tries to meet timing/area goal. B. Delay opt: fix delay violations introduced during mapping. does not fix design rule or opt rule violations C. Design rule fixing: fixes Design rule by inserting buffers or resizing cells. If necessary, it can violate opt rules. D. Opt rule fixing: fixes opt rule, once the above 3 phases are completed. However, it won't fix these, if it introduces delay or design rule violations. ------- In GTECH, both registers and latches are represented by a SEQGEN cell, which is a technology-independent model of a sequential element as shown in Figure 8-1. SEQGEN cells have all the possible control and data pins that can be present on a sequential element. FlipFlop or latch are inferred based on which pins are actually present in SEQGEN cell. Register is a latch or FF. D-Latch is inferred when resulting value of o/p is not specified under all consditions (as in incompletely specified IF or CASE stmt). SR latches and master-slave latches can also be inferred. D-FF is inferred whenever sensitivity list of always block or process includes an edge expression(rising/falling edge of signal). JK FF and Toggle FF can also be inferred. #_reg is added to the name of the reg from which ff/latch is inferred. (i.e count <= .. implies count_reg as name of the flop/latch) o/p: Q and QN (for both flop and latch) i/p: 1. Flop: clear(asynch_reset), preset(async_preset), next_state(sync data Din), clocked_on(clk), data_in(1'b0), enable(1'b0 or en), synch_clear(1'b0 or sync reset), synch_preset(1'b0 or sync preset), synch_toggle(1'b0 or sync toggle), synch_enable(1'b1) 2. Latch: clear(asynch_reset), preset(async_preset), next_state(1'b0), clocked_on(1'b0), data_in(async_data Din), enable(clk), synch_clear(1'b0), synch_preset(1'b0), synch_toggle(1'b0), synch_enable(1'b0) Ex: Flop in RTL: always @(posedge clkosc or negedge nreset) if (~nreset) Out1 <= 'b0; else Out1 <= Din1; Flop replaced with SEQGEN in DC netlist: clear is tied to net 0, which is N35. preset=0, since no async preset. data_in=0 since it's not a latch. sync_clear/sync_preset/sync_toggle also 0. synch_enable=1 means it's a flop, so enable if used, is sync with clock. enable=0 as no enable in this logic. \**SEQGEN** Out1_reg ( .clear(N35), .preset(1'b0), .next_state(Din1), .clocked_on(clkosc), .data_in(1'b0), .enable(1'b0), .Q(Out1), .synch_clear(1'b0), .synch_preset(1'b0), .synch_toggle(1'b0), .synch_enable(1'b1) ); Ex: Latch in RTL always @(*) if (~nreset) Out1 <= `b0; else if(clk) Out1 <= Din1; Latch replaced with SEQGEN in DC netlist: all sync_* signals set to 0 since it's a latch. synch_enable=0 as enable is not sync with clk in a latch. enable=clk since it's a latch. \**SEQGEN** Out1_reg ( .clear(N139), .preset(1'b0), .next_state(1'b0), .clocked_on(1'b0), .data_in(Din1), .enable(clk), .Q(Out1), .synch_clear(1'b0), .synch_preset(1'b0), .synch_toggle(1'b0), .synch_enable(1'b0) ); NOTE: flop has both enable and clk ports separate. sync_enable is set to 1 for flop (and 0 for latch). That means, lib cells can have Enable and clk integrated into the flop. If we have RTL as shown below, it will generate a warning if there is no flop with integrated enable in the lib. ex: always @(posedge clk) if (en) Y <= A; //This is a flop with enable signal. warning by DC: The register 'Y_reg' may not be optimally implemented because of a lack of compatible components with correct clock/enable phase. (OPT-1205). => this will be implemented with Mux and flop as there's no "integrated enable flop" in library. #Set the following variable in HDL Compiler to generate additional information on inferred registers: set hdlin_report_inferred_modules verbose Example 8-1 Inference Report for D FF with sync preset control (for a latch, type changes to latch) ====================================================================== |Register Name | Type |Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST | ========================================================== | Q_reg | Flip-flop | 1 | N | N | N | N | N | Y | N | ====================================================================== Sequential Cell (Q_reg) Cell Type: Flip-Flop Width: 1 Bus: N (since just 1 bit) Multibit Attribute: N (if it is multi bit ff, i.e each Q_reg[x] is a multi bit reg. in that case, this ff would get mapped to cell in .lib which has ff_bank group) Clock: CLK (shows name of clk. For -ve edge flop, CLK' is shown as clock) Async Clear(AR): 0 Async Set(AS): 0 Async Load: 0 Sync Clear(SR): 0 Sync Set(SS): SET (shows name of Sync Set signal) Sync Toggle(ST): 0 Sync Load: 1 #Flops can have sync reset (there's no concept of sync reset for latches). Design Compiler does not infer synchronous resets for flops by default. It will see sync reset signal as a combo logic, and build combo logic (with AND gate at i/p of flop) to build it. To indicate to the tool that we should use existing flop (with sync reset), use the sync_set_reset Synopsys compiler directive in Verilog/VHDL source files. HDL Compiler then connects these signals to the synch_clear and synch_preset pins on the SEQGEN in order to communicate to the mapper that these are the synchronous control signals and they should be kept as close to the register as possible. If the library has reg with sync set/reset, then these are mapped, else the tool adds extra logic on D i/p pin (adds AND gate) to mimic this behaviour. ex: //synopsys sync_set_reset "SET" => this put in RTL inside the module for DFF. This says that pin SET is sync set pin, and SEQGEN cell with clr/set should be used. #Latches and Flops can have async reset. DC is able to infer async reset for flop (by choosing SEQGEN cell with async clear and preset connected appr), but for latches, it's not able to do it (it chooses SEQGEN cell with async clear/preset tied to 0). This is because it sees clear/preset signal as any other combo signal, and builds combo logic to support it. DC maps SEQGEN cell (with clr/preset tied to 0) to normal latch (with no clr/set) in library, and then adds extra logic to implement async set/reset. It actually adds and gate to D with other pin connected to clr/set, inverter on clr/set pin followed by OR gate (with other pinof OR gate tied to clk). So, basically we lose advantage of having async latch in .lib. To indicate to the tool that we should use existing latch (with async reset), use the async_set_reset Synopsys compiler directive in Verilog/VHDL source files. ex: //synopsys async_set_reset "SET" => this says pin SET is async set/reset pin, and SEQGEN cell with clr/set should be used. #infer_multi_bit pragma => maps registers, multiplexers and 3 state drivers to multibit libraray cells. #stats for case stmt: shows full/parallel for case stmt. auto means it's full/parallel. A. full case: all possible branches of case stmt are specified. otherwise latch synthesized. non-full cases happen for state machines when states are not multiple of 2^n. In such cases, unused states opt as don't care. B. parallel case: only one branch of case stmt is active at a time (i.e case items do not overlap). It may happen when case stmt have "x" in the selection, or multiple select signals are active at same time (case (1'b1) sel_a:out=1; sel_b: out=0;). If more than 1 branch active, then priority logic built (sel_a given priority over sel_b), else simple mux synthesized. RTL sim may differ from gate sim, for a non-parallel case. #The report_design command lists the current default register type specifications (if we used "set_register_type" directive to set flipflop/latch to something from library) . dc_shell> report_design ... Flip-Flop Types: Default: FFX, FFXHP, FFXLP #MUX_OPs: listed in report_design. MUXOPs are multiplexers with built in decoders. Faster than SELECT_OPs as SELECT_OPs have decoding logic outside. ex: reg [7:0] flipper_ram[255:0]; => 8 bit array of ram from 0 to 255 assign p1_rd_data_out = flipper_ram[p1_addr_in]; => rd 7 bits out from addr[7:0] of ram. equiv to rd_data[7:0] = ram[addr[7:0] ]. this gives the following statistics for MUX_OPs generated from previous stmt. (MUX_OPs are used to implement indexing into a data variable, using a variable address) =========================================================== | block name/line | Inputs | Outputs | # sel inputs | MB | =========================================================== | flipper_ram/32 | 256 | 8 | 8 | N | => 8 bit o/p (rd_data), 8 bit select (addr[7:0]), 256 i/p (i/p refers to distinct i/p terms that mux is going to choose from, so here there are 256 terms to choose from, no. of bits for each term is already indicated in o/p (8 bit o/p) ) =========================================================== #list_designs: list the names of the designs loaded in memory, all modules are listed here. #list_designs -show_file : shows the path of all the designs (*.db in main dir) -------------------------- Optimizatio pririty in DC -------------------------- Uses cost types to optimize design. Cost types are design rule cost and optimization cost. By default, highest pririty to design rule cost (top one) and then pririty goes down as we move to bottom ones. 1. design rule cost => constraints are DRC (max_fanout, max_trans, max_cap, connection class, multiple port nets, cell degradation) 2. opt cost: A. delay cost => constraints are clk period, max_delay, min_delay B. dynamic power cost => constraints are max dynamic power C. leakage power cost => constraints are max lkg power D. area cost => constraints are max area ------------------------ #terminology within Synopsys. #designs => ckt desc using verilog HDL or VHDL. Can be at logic level or gate level. can be flat designs or hier designs. It consists of instances(or cells), nets (connects ports to pins and pins to pins), ports(i/o of design) and pins (i/o of cells within a design). It can contain subdesigns and library cells. A reference is a library component or design that can be used as an element in building a larger circuit. A design can contain multiple occurrences of a reference; each occurrence is an instance. The active design (the design being worked on) is called the current design. Most commands are specific to the current design. #to list the names of the designs loaded in memory dc_shell> list_designs a2d_ctrl digtop (*) spi etc => * shows that digtop is the current design dc_shell> list_designs -show_file => shows memory file name corresponding to each design name /db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/digtop.db digtop (*) /db/Hawkeye/design1p0/HDL/Synthesis/digtop/clk_rst_gen.db clk_rst_gen #The create_design command creates a new design. dc_shell> create_design my_design => creates new design but contains no design objects. Use the appropriate create commands (such as create_clock, create_cell, or create_port) to add design objects to the new design.