DFT - IEEE 1500 standard

DFT: Design for Testatbility

Any chip that is fabricated is going to have some defects during fabrication, which will cause some of the transistors or wires on the chip to not function properly. This may cause the chip to fail. One way to check if the chip manufactured is good or not, is to run thru the same functional patterns on the chip pins that the chip is going to go thru when it's in operation.

For small chips this method may work, but for large chips, it's practically not feasible for 2 reasons. First, there may be billions of such possible patterns on chip pins that we may have to aplly, which is time prohibitive. Secondly, it may still not find out all bad devices or bad connections in chip, since those patterns may not target 100% of the chip devices.

Without having 100% check to test each and every transistor and each and every connection, we can never be sure if the chip being shipped is 100% functional or not. This is where DFT comes. DFT simply means adding extra logic on chip so as to allow us to test the whole chip. DFT is a broad field by itself, an you will usually see thousands of job postings just for DFT engineers.

In this section, we will go thru the basics of DFT,

IEEE 1500:

IEEE 1500 defines a standard for test access of cores within a big chip. For small designs, we just do connections at top level, and pass on signals from 1 module to other. But for big designs, it can get very complex. For such designs, we treat each block as a chip in itself, having it's own controller for dft purpose, which handles all internal details of dft. Then, at top level we justhave a top level 1500 controller, which connects and controls these block level 1500 controllers. All connections are controlled via JTAG pins. These pins go into top level TAP controller, which processes and passes all the appr signals to each block.

We define standard port interface for IEEE 1500, to connect different blocks. Most signals are prefixed with W which stands for wrapper. WIR = wrapper instruction reg, while DR = data reg (WDR or wrapper data reg name not used for whatever reason). These IO signals are:

WRCK/WRCLK = Clock. This is actually connected to chip JTAG pin TCK.

WRSTN = Reset (active low). This resets all reg in WIR to 0, indicating func mod. This is actually connected to chip JTAG pin TRSTN.

SHIFTWR/SHIFTDR = Shift WIR or DR. With this signal high, Shift reg gets connected b/w WSI and WSO and starts getting values shifted in/out

UPDATEWR/UPDATEDR = Update WIR or DR. With this signal high, Update reg gets updated with values in shift reg.  These signals coming out of Update reg thenget stored in bunch of internal reg, which control all test related stuff in Func logic (i.e bist control signals, bypass, etc)

SELECTWIR = Operate on WIR. (we can have multiple SELECTWIR1, SELECTWIR2, etc if we have multiple partions within WIR, which we want to activate separately)

WSI / WSO Scan In/Out Data. These are single bit line for scanning data in and out of IR/DR. These are connected to chip JTAG pin TDI/TDO via daisy chain. First block's WSI comes from top TAP controller, which in ultimately connected to TDI pin, WSO pin connects to next block WSI pin, and so on. Last block's WSO pin goes to top TAP controller, which finally connects to chip TDO pin. The i/p pin WSI is captured on +ve clk edge, while o/p pin WSO is fired on -ve clk edge. This follows the same convention as for all other pins of JTAG which are fired on -ve edge, but captured on +ve edge of clk.

WPI /WPO Parallel In/Out Data. These are multi bit bus, and used for scanning data in and out of functional flops (i.e scan chain stitching of functional flops). These are same as SDI (scan Data in) and SDO (scan data out) pins that are used in designs for scan data in/out. The reason, we have a bus is to have mutiple chains of scan in/out for big designs (since they may have millions of flops, and shifting data in/out via just one pin is going to take hours). WPI/WPO are captured/fired on same clk edge as WSI/WSO.


See diagram.

Top level TAP:

We specify special JTAG inst to control the above signals at block level. We can define as many JTAG inst as needed to have control over various 1500 controllers in the design. We can have JTAG instructions for selecting specific 1500 controllers at block level ,

J1500I = JTAG 1500 inst for Inst Reg. This gets SELECTWIR signal high, and SHIFTWR or UPDATEWR signal high

J1500D = JTAG 1500 inst for Data Reg. This gets SELECTWIR signal low, and SHIFTDR or UPDATEDR signal high