LinuxMint linux OS
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- Last Updated: Sunday, 23 January 2022 11:19
- Published: Monday, 27 April 2020 17:41
- Hits: 2305
Linux Mint:
Best one is Linux Mint with least issues during installation. I would recommend this over any other OS (except CentOS which is my favorite), as everything works flawlessly. For beginners who are used to Windows, Linux Mint might be more comfortable to use than CentOS, as the user interface is very similar to Windows.
Installating OS:
Download, install using these links:
The only deviation from steps in link above, is that you will be asked if you want internet connection enabled to allow 3rd party software to be installed. You can choose "no" and not install any 3rd party software, as you can always install it later when needed. I have chosen "yes" too, and that has worked fine. Also, choose just 2 partitions, a "/" partition, and a small "swap" partition (no need for a separate "home" partition). Once you click on "Install now", you will see 2 partitions (ext4 and swap). Click "OK", and it will start installing Linux. It will take a while (shown by progress bar, usually 30 minutes). Click "restart now" at end, and it will now start showing GRUB menu. It shows "Linux mint", "windows" as well as few other options. You can choose "Linux Mint" or "windows" depending on which OS you want to start.
1. Download LinuxMint ISO:
I downloaded "Linux Mint 19, Cinnamon 64-bit" edition. Follow link below to get Linux mint.
As of Sept 2021, Latest one is Linux Mint 20. It has 3 variations - Cinnamon, Mate and Xfce. The only difference is in the GUI, otherwise they are all similar. If you don't know which one to install, choose "Cinnamon" as it's most popular.
2. Copy ISO files to USB drive:
You need linux already installed in order to copy the iso to usb from within linux. We don't use UUI to burn the iso as explained previously. Use cp cmd as explained under installation.
1A. Use cp cmd to copy to usb drive
sudo cp /home/aarav/Downloads/LinuxMint-20.2-cinnamon-64bit.iso /dev/sdb => Do not use /dev/sdb1. See in "Linux Installation section for details"
3. Reboot Windows:
Once copied, plug it in windows laptop and reboot it. Do not use UUI, as it gives error. You will be greeted with "Install LinuxMint" screen. Follow prompts as explained in link above from itsfoss
Useful Customization:
Adding application pgm icons to panel:
To add to panel (bottom most bar on your laptop is called panel), goto Menu-> serach for that application, and then right click when it shows up. Now you will options for "add to panel" and "add to desktop". click on "add to panel", and you will see the icon added to bottom panel.
Installing other software:
Here are links for few more pgms to install. Firefox and Skype are the important ones. Luckily they install flawlessly.
Install Firefox browser:
Most websites, with exception of very few, open fine in firefox in Linux Mint. Video/audio on internet sites work as well. Firefox is installed by default. If not install, type these cmds on Terminal.
firefox -version => shows version of firefox installed. If it's not installed or not latest one, run below cmds
sudo yum install firefox => installs firefox
sudo yum update firefox => This updates firefox to latest version
firefox -version => shows version of firefox installed
Install Skype:
Installing skype is very easy on LinuxMint. Skype binaries for linux are now available from skype website. Follow these steps to install skype:
- sudo apt update
- Download skype binary. 2 ways:
- download skype binary (.deb pkg) directly from skype site: Choose "Get Skype for Linux deb"
- wget cmd: install wget (if not installed and then use it to download skype)
- sudo apt install -y wget
- type this cmd on linux terminal to download it: wget
- sudo apt install ./skypeforlinux-64.deb => NOTE: ./ is needed else you get an error that deb file not found. provide appr path for downloaded .deb pkg, if you are not running this cmd in the dir where you downloaded this deb pkg. Linux will ask for root passwd, and then install skype.