ArchLinux - Linux OS

Arch Linux:

One of the more difficult OS distro, meant for more tech savvy people. I'll try to install it and list instructions here.

1. Download iso file from here:

There are lots of US mirrors, available. Don't use torrent or magnet link (scroll down to see worldwide mirror sites).

2. Copy iso file to USB drive. Firsst format it (if never unformatted), and use linux "cp" cmd to copy file. After the copy, name of USB drive will change to ARCH_202108 (i.e ARCH_yyyymm, where yyyy=year, dd=month). There are more instructions to burning "iso to usb" here:

3. Now boot your device by following instructions in common instructions above. once booted, you will be logged into command line terminal as root. You won't get a GUI. You will have to setup and download everything from this terminal. It'll be  good learnng exercise once you go thru the whole setup process. Here is a link to installation (follow each step):

It's not easy to install ArchLinux for a novice. I'm trying to install it, but haven't completed everything yet. Will update once I complete it.

UPDATE 09/2021: It installed, but it's text only terminal. I'll have to install everything separately by following a long list of instructions. Even installing GUI and apps is going to take a good effort. Unfortunately, I've given up as it's not worth my time dealing with all the troubles. I'm too lazy of a guy, even compared to guy's standards :(