Maths Sample Papers
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- Last Updated: Tuesday, 15 October 2024 15:41
- Published: Friday, 25 June 2021 18:55
- Hits: 805
Selected websites for practice:
A lot of websites advertise "free sample papers" for practicing, but soon you realize that these are for profit websites, and want your money. You should not have to pay for any educational resource in today's internet era. So, I've compiled a list below of free practice papers. I've listed papers starting from Elementary School to High School. Advanced Maths papers beyond High School will be in their respective sections.
1. STAAR tests: In Texas, students have to pass STAAR test in order to move to next grade. These question papers are available for free here, so that you can see the complexity of questions expected. Look for Maths papers from Grade 3 to High School:
2. math-only-math website: This website is mentioned under maths section: This has lots of sample questions for each grade and for each topic. I don't think you can find more comprehensive material than this for practicing.
3. Math10 website: Math10 has questions for each grade and each topic, separated out under easy, medium and hard. Link =>
4. mathoplis website: This website is mentioned under maths section: and
5. Khan Academy: Last, but the best. It not only has teaching videos, but tons of practise material for all grades. There is course challenge for each subject in each grade, that you find once you go that grade and that subject. One such example for 8th grade maths is here:
On each topic of each subject, there is a separate quiz, and mastery questions, which are very helpful. Each lesson is accompanied by "practice questions" and a "quiz". This helps you as you watch videos and solve these questions.
6. byjus website: CBSE (India) sample papers for 8th grade: The questions are harder compared to 8th grade in USA. Link =>
Sample papers for practice:
Few other sample maths papers picked from internet. I've provided a link, as well as downloaded the document to my server, and provided a link. That way, if the online document disappears (as it happens quite frequently)
A. Baschools:
8th grade: Downloaded from here: => Local copy => Maths-8th-grade-Pre-Algebra-Practice-Test.pdf
B. (nebraska state)
8th grade: Download from here: => Local copy => NEG8MathPTPaper120610.pdf
C.Louisiana believes: This is one of the highest quality maths papers that you can find anywhere. If the kid can solve almost all questions here, he's good for that grade:
All Sample papers from 3rd grade to 8th grade are provided here:
The link above does have sample papers, but hard to navigate. So, I provided pdf links separately for some of the maths ones.
5th grade: Download from here:
6th grade: Download from here:
7th grade: Download from here:
8th grade: Download from here: => Local copy => practice-test-math-grade-8.pdf
D. everestva: Lots of sample papers here (both US as well as papers from India too)
Some sample papers from above website:
1. Nebraska state, USA: Need one paper: FIXME ..
2.Australia, Kinross college: Download from here:
=> Local copy => Year-8-Maths-Exam-Sem-2-2016.pdf
3. south africa (zambia): Download from here:
=> Local copy => 2015_ANA_Gr_8_Mathematics_Test_-_2015.pdf
4. namibia (grade 8 + grade 9): Download from here:
=> Local copy => JS_Math_Specimen_Papers1_and_2_March_2018.pdf
5. zambia: Download from here:
=> Local copy => November_Exam_2015_Grade_8.pdf
6. Australia (Acara): Bunch of papers from past couple years. Choose "numeracy" for maths papers. Year 9 might be for 8th grade students, though questions look simple. Link to download all the papers:
E. UK School papers: Few sample papers which look to be at Middle school level: