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- Last Updated: Friday, 04 October 2019 22:59
- Published: Tuesday, 17 September 2019 19:42
- Hits: 3084
matlab: matlab is proprietary product of Mathworks. 1st version was released in 1984. It's full form is matrix laboratory, as it primarily dealt with matrix computations. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data in 2D/3D, implementation of algorithms, interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, Python, etc. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an additional package Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation. We learn matlab since we'll be using it a lot in signal processing, image/video processing, etc.
One of the best places to learn basic Matlab is from here:
Other useful resource is from matlab user uide or usinh help section of matlab product (click on help->Product_help on top bar after invoking matlab).
Invoking matlab: matlab needs to be installed on your m/c, before you can run it. Usually corporations/universities have licenses of Matlab, so you can use them there. Buying Matlab is expensive, isntead use open source equivalent.I'm presenting Matlab tutorial, since matlab syntax and feel is available in GNU Octave, which is open source equiv of Matlab. So, learning of Matlab can be used in Octave.
matlab -R2016a => starts matlab with version = R2016a. Every year matlab releases 2 versions a and b. Latest release is R2019a.
*.m file are matlab cmd files that can be run from cmdline in matlab. These are scripts that contain all matlab cmds.
ex: matlab_cmd1.m => just type matlab_cmd1 (without .m extension) on prompt of matlab
ex: matlab -nodisplay < cmd1.m => to run cmd1.m without opening gui
After starting matlab, we can start typing cmds on matlab command window. It has >> prompt for entering any cmds.
There is also a "workspace" window on top right, and "Command History" window on bottom right. Workspace window shows all var, while history window shows all cmds entered so far on prompt.
Matlab syntax:
spaces: Matlab is insensitive to spaces. It can parse code correctly even w/o spaces. spaces are not required b/w operators, but added for clarity.
comments: To comment out single line, use %. To comment out multiple lines use:
.... code ....
format: format cmd changes precision of numbers. i.e format short;
Data types: Matlab is loosely typed, meaning we don't need to define dta type, matlab figures it out automatically.
1. Boolean: true(1) or false (0)
2. Numeric: Integer (signed/unsigned), floating point (single precision and double precision)
3. Text: char/string. string composed of array of char.
variables: A valid variable name starts with a letter, followed by letters, digits, or underscores. MATLAB is case sensitive, so A and a are not the same variable. In Matlab, all vars are arrays, and numeric var are of type double (i.e double precision).
>> a=1; => assigns value of 1 to var "a". If ";" not used at end of cmd, then results are displayed in cmd window (i.e a=1 will be displayed in cmd window). "a" is 1x1 array (array with 1 row and 1 column).
>>5 => any cmd that returns an o/p val that is not assigned to a var, is assigned to reserved var "ans" (i.e answer). So, in this case, ans is assigned 5.
>> whos a => "whos" on any var shows it's attributes. here it shows "a" as 1x1 array of type "double". It shows 8 bytes are used to store this array "a" (since double precision requires 8 bytes). Just "whos" w/o any var will show info for all var.
>> B = [12, 62, 93, -8, 22; 16, 2, 87, 43, 91; -4, 17, -72, 95, 6] => creates 3x5 array (3 rows x 5 columns). Each row has 5 values. ; indicates end of row. After last row, no ; needed. [ ] indicates it's an array.
To get element from 2nd row, 3rd col of an array, we do B(2,3). NOTE: arrays are defined with square brackets, but accessed via round brackets. Curly brackets {} are 3rd kind of brackets used for creating cell array (explained later).
>> A=magic(5); => creates a 5x5 array with random entries in it.
>> C = [1,2,3] => an array with 1 row and 3 columns. C=[1;2;3] creates an array with 3 rows and 1 column.
>> Mystring = 'hello world'; => strings are char array of 1 row x n cols. single quotes used to store strings. Each char stored in 2 bytes, so this char array of 1x11 stored in 22 bytes.
>> A=ones(5)*4.7, B=magic(5); C=A/B; => multiple cmds can be entered on same line separated by , or ;. Commands that end with a comma display their results, while commands that end with a semicolon do not.
>> s= 1 -1/2 + ...
0.2 => gives result as 0.7. ellipses (...) allow continuation of stmt to next line
cell array: A cell array is a data type with indexed data containers called cells, where each cell can contain any type of data. Cell arrays commonly contain either lists of text, combinations of text and numbers, or numeric arrays of different sizes. Refer to sets of cells by enclosing indices in smooth parentheses (). Access the contents of cells by indexing with curly braces {}
ex: mycell = {'Mary', [3], 'summer', true}. To extract contents of mycell, we use {}. eg. mycell{1} gives Mary, mycell{2} or mycell{1,2} gives 3 and so on. When we use round brackets, we get cell array which is subset of cell array. i.e mycell(1) gives 'Mary' which is a 1x1 array, mycell(2) or mycell(1,2) gives [17] which is again 1x1 array, etc. NOTE: with curly braces, we got extracted values w/o any '..', or [..].
cell(3) => creates a 3x3 cell array of empty matrices.
cell arrays are very useful to store diff kind of data and then to access them in a loop to process them.
operators: 3 types of main operators:
1. Arithmetic operators: to perform numeric computations. +, -, .*(numeric multiplication), ./(numeric right division), .\(numeric left division), .^(numeric power), *(matrix multiplication), /(matrix right division), \(matrix left division), ^(matrix power), etc. Both operands must have same dimension. If one operand is scalar and the other is not, then MATLAB applies the scalar to every element of the other operand—this property is known as scalar expansion. right division (/ or ./) refers to regular division i.e if A=2, B=3, then A/B or A./B = 0.6667. left division (\ or .\) refers to inverted division - A\B or A.\B = B/A = 3/2 =1.5.
2. Relational operators: to compare operands. <, >, ==(equal to), ~=(not equal to), etc. Both operands must have same dimension. operation is applied to each element, and result is for each element, as o(false) or 1 (true). If one operand is scalar and the other is not, then MATLAB applies the scalar against every element of the other operand.
3. logical operators: these can be applied bit-wise, element wise or short circuit. &, |, ~, xor (i.e xor(A,B))
4. Assignment operator: = is an assignment operator as seen above.
5. colon operator (:) => most useful operator of matlab.
>>1:10 => creates a row vector, containing integers from 1 to 10, ans = [1 2 .... 10]
>>x=0:0.2:10 => creates an array with 1 row and 50 columns, with value of x going from 0 to 10 in crements of 0.2, i.e x=[0 0.2 0.4 0.8 .... 50]
: operator within round brackets used to extract specific rows/column entries from arrays. ex:
>> a(:,2) => extracts 2nd col of an array. This col retains it's structure, i.e final result is array with n rows and 1 column
>> a(3,:) => extracts 3rd row of an array. This row retains it's structure, i.e final result is array with 1 row and n columns
>> a(:,2:3) => extracts second and third column of array. final result is array with n rows and 2 columns
>> a(2:3,2:3) => extracts second and third rows and second and third columns. final result is array with 2 rows and 2 columns
Conditional Stmt: All conditional stmt end with keyword "end". 3 kinds:
1. if stmt => optional "elseif" "else" can also be used
ex: if a<30 disp 'small'; else disp 'large'; end => We should write it in multiple lines. If we write all of it in 1 line, we'll need ; to separate out multiple lines of "if"
2. case stmt: switch ... end.
3. for loop => to loop specific num of times
ex: for n=2:6 x(n)=x(n-1); end => repeats with n=2,3,4,5,6
4. while loop => loops as long as condition is true. break (to exit) and continue (to skip to next iteration) stmt can be used from inside while loop.
ex: while fact<100 n=n+1;...; end
functions: can be called by typing name of func with appr args inside round brackets.
>> maxA = max(A,B); here max func is called with args A and B, both of which are arrays. o/p stored in var MaxA. If func returns more than 1 o/p, then we can store them by assigning them to separate var
>> helpFile = which('help');
>> [helpPath,name,ext] = fileparts(helpFile); => here fileparts func returns 3 o/p. We store them in 3 different var. To save memory space, we may want to ignore storing some o/p. We can do that by assigning ~ to that o/p. i.e [~,~,ext] = fileparts(helpFile);
Date functions => "date", "now", "calender", etc func display current date, etc.
import/export functions => to import/export data from external files.
1. importdata func: ex: filename = 'smile.jpg'; A = importdata(filename); image(A); => imports image file and then displays image in window
2. save func: ex: save my_data.out num_array -ascii => my_data.out is the delimited ASCII o/p data file created, num_array is i/p numeric array and −ascii is the specifier.
3. saveas: saveas(gcf,"plot_tmp"); saves graph generated as "plot_tmp".
misc functions:
1. ones, zeros: returns 1 or 0.
ex: y=ones; => returns scalar 1.
ex: y=ones(5); => returns 5x5 matrix with all entries as 1. We could also write it as y=ones(5,5);
ex: y=zeros(2,3) => returns 2x3 array of 0
print/display functions =>
1A. disp(x) => display value of any var (array, string, etc).
ex: A[10 20]; S='Hello'; name='alice', age=12; S=['my name', name,'age',num2str(age)]; => everything in S needs to be string
disp(A); disp(S); disp('Hello'); => When arg of any function is a text string, we enclose it in single quotes ' ... '. disp 'hello' => is equally valid as we can use cmd syntax instead of func syntax.
1B. sprintf => used to create text. can be stored in a var.
ex: name='alice', age=12; S=sprintf('my name %s age %d', name,age);
1C. fprintf => used to directly display the text without creating a variable. Always put \n at end. fscanf/fprintf works like C scanf/printf cmds.
ex: fprintf('my name %s age %d \n', name,age); => directly displays this without needing disp
Ploting: Ploting 2D/3D graphs is the most useful feature in Matlab, and used a lot.
1. plot: plot(x,y) plots y against x
ex: x = [-100:5:100]; y = x.^2; plot(x, y) => this plots 2D graph with y=x^2 on y axis and x from -100 to +100 (in increments of 5) on x axis. If increment reduced to 1, then graph becomes smoother as there are more points.
We can add title, labels along the x-axis and y-axis, grid lines and also to adjust the axes to spruce up the graph.
plot(x, y), xlabel('x'), ylabel('x^2'), title('sqaure Graph'), grid on, axis equal, axis ([-20, 20, 0,400]); => this plots x,y graph with label on x axis (as x), y axis (as y^2) and then a title on top of graph. It also adds grid lines on graph. "axis equal" causes equal spacing on both x and y axis (i.e linear plot). axis ([...]) sets min/max values for x,y axis. Here, xmin=-20, xmax=+20, ymin=0, ymax=400.
To plot multiple graphs on same plot, do plot(x1,y1, x2,y2, ...). ex: y = sin(x); g = cos(x); plot(x, y, x, g);
To have separate colors for each graph, add attr in plot(x,y, attr). For color attr, use r=red, g=green, b=blue, w=white, k=black, etc. ex: plot(x, y, 'r', x, g, 'g'); For diif line style, do: plot(x, y1, 'r', x, y2, 'b--o'); => creates lines as --o--o--o--
We can also have legends for graph (using legend cmd). We can print text on graph using text cmd
ex: text(10,-50, 'my custome text'); => prints the given text at x=10,y=-50 on graph. NOTE: x,y are coords in whatever unit is there on axis. If x is in freq(log scale) and y is in db, then x=10Hz,y=-50db is where the text printing starts.
ex: plot(y); => plots data in y verses index of each value. If y is a vector, then the x-axis scale ranges from 1 to length(y). ex:
subplot: With same figure, we can have various plots called subplots. We specify positions of various subplots using subplot cmd. First, specify subplot position for 1st graph, using subplot, then use plot(x,y) to plot 1st graph, then specify position for 2nd graph using subplot, then use plot(x,y) to plot 2nd graph, and so on ...
2. Bar: bar(x,y) plots bar chart for y against x.
3. Contour: A contour line of a function of two variables is a curve along which the function has a constant value. To draw contour map for given func g=f(x,y), first we need to create a meshgrid which defines a set of (x,y) points over domain of func. meshgrid defines x,y range over which we plot function g. Then, we use contour func: contour(x,y,g);
4. surf: Used to create 3D surface plot. Instead of contour, we draw 3D plot of func g=f(x,y). Here again we create meshgrid, then use surf func.
ex: [x,y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2, -3:0.1:3); g = x .* exp(-x.^2 - y.^2); surf(x, y, g); => Here, func g is plotted on z axis. range of x is from -2 to +2, while y is -3 to +3.
5. ezplot: plot a given func, over range of values specified
ex: ezplot('x^2',[-1,2]) => plots square of x, over range of x=-1 to x=2.
ex: ezplot('x^2 - y^4') => plots x^2-y^4=0 over range x,y=-2Π to +2Π. This is the default range, when range is not specified.
Solving Equations: matlab can solve polynomial eqns using solve func:
ex: solve('(x-3)^2*(x-7)=0') => This solves the cubic eqn, and produces result as ans=[3; 3; 7] = 3x1 array. "=0" iin eqn s optional, as it's understood.
ex: eq = 'y^4 - 7*y^3 + 3*y^2 - 5*y + 9 = 0'; s = solve(eq,'y'); Now s becomes a 4x1 array. Each root can be accessed via s(0), s(1), s(2) and s(3), or as an array s. By default, eqn is solved for x, but to solve for other var, specify that var "y" in solve func.
We can also solve system of eqn.
ex: s = solve('5*x + 9*y = 5','3*x - 6*y = 4'); s.x; s.y; => displays soln for x,y
Calculus: Calc limit, solve differential/integral.
1. limit func: Calculates limit of func. The limit function falls in the realm of symbolic computing. Symbolic computing means using symbols as "x", etc in the o/p instead of getting numerical results. You need to use the syms function to tell MATLAB which symbolic variables you are using. You will get an error, if the function expects symbolic values, and you omit "syms" func for that var.
ex: syms x; limit((x^3 + 5)/(x^4 + 7),2); => 1st arg of limit func is the function, and 2nd arg is what the variable tends to i.e limit x-> a. Here we calc limit for this func, as x approaches 2. If 2nd arg not given, it's assumed to be 0.
2. differential: compute symbolic derivative using func diff().
ex: syms t; f = 3*t^2 + 2*t^(-2); diff(f,2); => this gives derivative as "6 - 12/t^2" (in symbols instead of numerical value). 2nd arg "2" in diff implies 2nd derivative (F''). If 2nd arg not provided, it's assumed to be 1 (1st derivative, F').
We can solve diff eqn symbolically using dsolve. ex: dsolve('D2y - y = 0','y(0) = -1','Dy(0) = 2')
3. integral: inverse of differentiation. "int" cmd calculates indefinite integral of any expression
ex: syms x; int(2*x); => this returns integral as x^2, though in reality integral is x^2+c, where c is arbitrary constant
ex: int(2*x,4,9) => This calculates definite integral with low limit=4, and hi limit=9. Since this yields numerical result, and not in symbols, we don't define x as symbol (i.e syms x; not used here)
Polynomial: To evaluate polynomial at any value, we use polyval func
ex: p = [1 7 0 -5 9]; polyval(p,4); Here p is defined as an array. When used inside polyval func, it represents polynomial P(x)=x^4+7*x^3-5*x+9. It's value is evaluated at x=4, which yields 693.
polyvalm evaluates matrix polynomial.
roots func calculates roots of poly. ex: p = [1 7 0 -5 9]; r = roots(p) => calc 4 roots of the poly eqn, and stores in var "r"
poly func => inverse of roots func, and returns polynomial coefficients
polyfit func => finds coeff of polynomial that fits a set of data in least square sense. We provide numerical values, x and y=f(x), and try to get poly func with max degree "n" that fits y over given values of x.
ex: x = [1 2 3 4 5 6]; y = [5.5 43.1 128 290.7 498.4 978.67]; p = polyfit(x,y,4); => here we ask matlab for poly with max degree "4". It returns 5 coeff for x^4, x^3, ...
Transform: Transform functions are ones that maps one domain to other domain. Depending on func used to do transform, it can be quite complex. matlab computes symbolic results.
1. Laplace transform: laplace transform converts f(t) in "t" domain into L{f(t)} in "s" domain. func laplace used for this.
ex: syms s t a w; laplace(a); laplace(t^2); laplace(sin(w*t)) => here we define s, t, a, w as symbols. "s" is for laplace transform o/p var, while others are i/p var going into laplace func. gives results as 1/s^2, 2/s^3 and w/(s^2+w^2)
2. inverse Laplace transform: ilaplace func used. Converts from s domain to t domain.
ex: syms s t ; ilaplace(s/(s^2+4)) => gives cos(2*t) as o/p
3. z transform:
4. Inverse z transform:
5. Fourier transform: converts from time domain to freq domain. freq domain expressed in radians(ω) or hertz(2Πf).
F=fourier(f,u,v); => calculates FT of f(u) as F(v), i.e F(v) = ∫ f(u) e-jvu du. By default, if we omit u,v (i.e F=fourier(f)), then i/p func f is taken as f(x), and o/p func F is given as F(w), i.e F(w) = ∫ f(x) e-jwx dx. Here, w is freq. F=fourier(f,w) imples f(x) and F(w). We have to declare u, v as syms (symbols), else fourier function will give an error as it expects symbols as it's inputs.
Generally, we use function syms fourier(f,t,w) which yields F(w)= ∫ f(t) e-jwt dt
ex: syms x; f = exp(-2*x^2); FT = fourier(f); ezplot(FT); => shows FT = (2^(1/2)*pi^(1/2)*exp(-w^2/8))/2, and displays it on graph, with w=-2Π to +2Π.
6. Inverse Fourier transform: converts from freq domain to time domain. ifourier func used
ex: f = ifourier(-2*exp(-abs(w))); => gives result as f = -2/(pi*(x^2 + 1))
7. Fourier series: There is no function for calculating FS of periodic func. Instead, we directly compute terms Ck using integral in matlab and plot them. However, better way is to plot FT. Since FT is a superset of FS, we can look at FT values at distinct freq and get FS from that. Most of the times, FT suffices.
Generating basic signals: We can generate signals by using built in func. Basic code is:
x=[0:0.005:0.2]; % choose x axis points here
y=func(x); % generate y axis points by applying func to x
plot(x,y); % plot it
1. impulse function: y=dirac(x). Since dirac is a limiting func, whose value is 0 at x≠0, but infinity at x=0 (for continuous function), matlab draws dirac func with missing value at x=0, and 0 everywhere else.
2. sine wave: y=sin(x).
ex: create sine wave of 10Hz freq, T=0.1sec
t=[0:0.005:0.2]; => time is from 0s to 0.2s in steps of 5ms
Amp=1; freq=10; => Amplitude=1, freq=10Hz,
y=Amp*sin(2*pi*freq*t); => plots 2 full waves in 0.2sec, since 10Hz freq => T=0.1sec =10 sine wave/sec
plot(t,y); => plots t on x axis and sine o/p on y axis. plots over range of t from 0 to 0.2sec. plot is little choppy, but can be made smooth by choosing finer steps of 1ms, i.e t=[0:0.001:0.2]
If we choose freq=1000, then sine func argument=2*pi*1000*0.005*n=10*pi*n. So y=0 for all values of n. Then plot(t,y) should be 0 everywhere, since we don't have enough samples to sample any value other than 0. However, what we observe in reality is a choppy plot with y=very small value (10^-13 or so) and it bonces around 0. This is because sin(2*pi)=0 in theory, but computers calculate pi to finite digits only. That results in sin(2*pi) close to 0, but not exactly 0. Whenever you get weird plots like this, always check to make sure you have enough sample points.
ex: create sum of 2 sine waves of 10Hz freq,
t=[0:0.005:0.2]; => time is from 0s to 0.2s in steps of 5ms
A=1;f1=10;f2=20 => freq=10Hz,20Hz
y=A*sin(2*pi*f1*t) + A*sin(2*pi*f2*t) ; => adds 2 sine waves
plot(t,y) => plots sum of 2 waves, amplitude of final "y" goes from -2 to +2
ex: show gibbs phenomemon in constructing square wave from sine waves (taken from mathworks website)
t = 0:.02:6.28; % t is 1Xn array
y = zeros(10,length(t)); %y is 10Xn array
x = zeros(size(t)); % x is 1Xn array
for k = 1:2:19
x = x + sin(k*t)/k;
y((k+1)/2,:) = x;
1D. print text on graph
text_to_print = ['SNDR (in db) =',num2str(SNDR1),char(10),'SFDR (in db) =',num2str(SFDR1)]; => char(10) is needed to introduce newline. \n doesn't work.
text(10,-50,text_to_print); => prints the text above on graph.
4. matlab native fft function are fft() and inverse is ifft(). To compute fft:
Y = fft(X) => computes the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of X using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. FFT is just bunch of points, it doesn't have any frequency info. We get this frequency info from sampling rate.
Y = fft(X,n) returns the n-point DFT. If no value is specified, Y is the same size as X. If X is a vector and the length of X is less than n, then X is padded with trailing zeros to length n. This is equiv to taking DFT of signal multiplied with a rectangular window. NOTE: for n-point dft, Y is also n point, i.e Y[0] to Y[n-1]. It's periodic with period n, so, only n points reported for Y.
4. PSD of signal
pxx = pwelch(x) => returns PSD of signal x using Welch's overlapped segment averaging estimator. If x is real-valued, pxx is a one-sided PSD estimate. If x is complex-valued, pxx is a two-sided PSD estimate.
[pxx,f] = pwelch(x,window,noverlap,f,fs) returns the two-sided Welch PSD estimates at the frequencies specified in the vector, f.
5. plotspec( ) => This function is defined as below (not std function of matlab). It computes the PSD of a signal, and plots Power in db on Y axis and freq on X axis (log scale).
plotspec.m script => uses pwelch signal and then draws plot
function [P,F]=PlotSpec(Signal,Fs,Navg,EnFig,color)
if FftLength>length(Signal),
warning('FftLength is greater than the signal length.')
[Ps,F] = pwelch( sin([0:FftLength-1]'*2*pi/16),Win, floor(3*FftLength/4), FftLength,Fs);
[P,F] = pwelch( Signal,Win, 0, FftLength,Fs); => note: P is not in db here.
if (EnFig==1)
elseif (EnFig==2)
grid on;
ylabel('Mag (dB)','FontSize',13);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)','FontSize',13);
ex: [P,F]= PlotSpec(signal, Fs,1,1,'k'); => In John's script
ex: plotspec(signal,Fs,'on',[1 100]); => sampling freq=Fs, freq range on x axis = 1Hz to 100Hz. we can also specify limits separately in other cmd.
ex: [magnitudes, frequencies] = plotspec(signal,Fs,'off'); => instead of plotting, we can also store values in variables
Fs1 = 8388608;
digin1 = dlmread('data1.csv'); => reads csv file, put 1 data in each row
figure('Color','w','Name','SDMout-Dec (SV)','WindowStyle','docked');
%PlotSpec(digin1,Fs2,1,1,'k'); => comment starts with %
ylim([-140 0]); => y db limit
xlim([0 Fs1/2]); => x freq limit
ex: create sine wave
t=[0:0.005:0.2]; => time is from 0s to 0.2s in steps of 5ms
A=1;f1=10000;f2=50000 => freq=10kHz,50Khz
y=A*sin(2*pi*f1*t) + A*sin(2*pi*f2*t) ; => adds 2 sine waves
plot(t,y) => plots t on x axis and y on y axis
ex: plot fft of sine wave:
f0 = 307; //sinusoid freq
Fs = 44100; //Sampling frequency in Hz:
Ts = 1/Fs; //Sampling time:
M = 1500; //1500 samples of sinusoid => think of this as the length of a rectangular window that multiplies our infinitely long sinusoid sequence.
n = 0:(M-1); //array of num from 0 to 1499
y = cos(2*pi*f0*Ts*n); //y[n]=cos[2*pi*f*t*n] => draws approx 10 full cosine waveforms = f0/Fs*1500=10. do "plot(n,y);" to see it
Y = fft(y); //computes M point fft since there are M points in y
f = (0:(M-1))*Fs/M; //compute freq points. from 0 to Fs in 1500 steps
plot(f,abs(Y),'*') //plot f on x-axis and mag of Y on y axis, with * as discrete points
xlim([0 Fs/2])
title('Magnitude of DFT')
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ex: save plots in loop
sdm_files = {
%freq=(8384, 789, 123); => makes it an array with integer values accessed thru freq{k}
for k = 1:3
sdm_file_name = strcat(path, sdm_files{k});
display(sprintf('Processing %s', sdm_file_name));
sdm_output = dlmread(sdm_file_name);
title = sprintf('SDM Ouput k=%d', k+3);
figure('Color','w','Name', title,'WindowStyle','docked');
PlotSpec(sdm_output, SDM_freq,1,1,'k');
ylim([-160 0]);
xlim([0 SDM_freq/2]);
out_file_name = strcat(k, '_filt_fbw.jpg');